Page 99 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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The Society aims at pooling the strengths and experience of the award recipients, provides
a platform for exchange and spreading the spirit of the volunteerism in support of the
2020 HK$ 110,757 53,500 (56,588) (3,088) 107,669 2020 HK$ 62,023 558,000 6 (110,185) 447,821 509,844
2021 HK$ 107,669 121,584 (3,816) 117,768 225,437 2021 HK$ 509,844 - 5 (254,949) (254,944) 254,900
Social Welfare Development Fund Phase III (the Financial Management System, the With the aim to enhance the capabilities of the FMS, the Social Welfare Development Fund Phase III (the “SWDF3”) of the Social Welfare Department (the “SWD”) approved a grant of HK$620,000 for the replacement of the FMS subvented by the LSG of the SWD. 41
AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2021 Other designated services (Continued) Hong Kong Volunteer Awardees Society Agency’s initiatives. Movements during the year were as follows: Balance brought forward Total income for the year Total expenditure for the year Surplus/(deficit) for the year Balance carried forward “FMS”) Movements during the year were as follows: Bal
18. (e) (f)
hours or more were eligible to apply for a complimentary 1-day ticket to Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Volunteer Award was to recognise outstanding volunteers’ contributions
The Give a Day Get a Disney Day aimed at mobilising Hong Kong people to serve the
community for building a harmonious society. Volunteers who had performed service of 10
2020 HK$ 213,482 310,000 (302,764) 7,236 220,718 were Awards 2020 HK$ 957,065 550,000 (682,516) (132,516) 824,549
Disneyland via their service organisations. Movements during the year were as follows:
2021 HK$ 220,718 170,500 (266,936) (96,436) 124,282 Kong. 2021 HK$ 824,549 970,000 (116,839) 853,161 1,677,710
volunteerism and achievements so as to raise public awareness of the value of volunteering, and to sustainable presented to individuals, volunteer groups and business corporations selected by the Award Judging Panel biennially. Movements during the year were as follows: 40
AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2021 Other designated services (Continued) Give a Day Get a Disney Day Balance brought forward Total income for the year Total expenditure for the year (Deficit)/surplus for the year Balance carried forward Hong Kong Volunteer Award of development the facilitate Balance brought forward Total income for the year Total expe
18. (c) (d)