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Donation Method

Download the Donation & Sponsorship Form for donation

Methods of donation:

Crossed cheque payable to "Agency for Volunteer Service"
Credit Card
Banked in AVS account at HSBC 002 - 478865 - 001
Use the local banks internet banking “bill payment service” or “charity donation” (for HSBC) to make donations
Payment by Phone Service (PPS) (Merchant Code: 9427)
Cash donation via 7-ELEVEN
Paypal online donation

Please return the corresponding form(s) with cheque or transaction record(s) (e.g. Paypal record / bank-in slip / ATM slip / 7-11 receipts) with donors' name and contact number at the back. Please make photocopy for your own record if necessary.


1. Tax-deductible receipt will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above.
2. Due to heavy workload during the event period, official receipt(s) will be issued within 2 months upon receiving the donation / sponsorship form(s). Participants / team contact person please help distribute receipts to individual sponsors.
3. Donations received on or before 27 September 2019 (Friday) will be counted for the Fundraising Award. Participants are welcome to raise additional funds after the date.




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Enquiry:2527 3825  E-mail:frpevent@avs.org.hk
Copyright © Agency for Volunteer Service