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董事 Directors

                             黎年GBS太平紳士                     Mr Lai Nin, Alan, GBS, JP
                             黎先生長時間任職政府及公共                 Mr Lai was a career public servant, having been
                             機構,曾出任貿易署署長、                  Director-General of Trade, Commissioner of the
                             廉政公署專員、庫務科常任秘                 ICAC, Permanent Secretary for the Treasury and
                             書長及申訴專員。退休後,                  The Ombudsman. Upon retirement from the public
                             他任職香港大學社會科學院                  service, he joined the Faculty of Social Sciences of
                             實務教授。他現為該學院政治及                The University of Hong Kong as a Professor of
                             行政學系客席教授、香港大學                 Practice.  He is  now  an  Adjunct  Professor  in  the
                                                           Department of Politics and Public Administration of
                             深圳醫院顧問及拔萃男書院                  the Faculty, an Advisor to the HKU Shenzhen Hospital
                             小學部校董。黎先生於2014年               and a member of the Management Committee of
                             加入本局董事會,現任策劃及                 the  Diocesan  Boys’  School  Primary  Division.  He
                             服務委員會主席。                      joined the AVS Board in 2014 and is currently
                                                           Chairman of Planning & Services Committee.

                             羅汝衡女士                         Ms Loh Yu Hang, Anne
                             羅女士曾經營時裝企業,具                  Ms Loh was an entrepreneur in the fashion business
                             十多年品牌管理經驗。她於                  and had over ten years of international brand
                             2011年成為本局義務職員及                management experience. She became an AVS
                             培訓師,2015年起擔任籌募及               volunteer staff and volunteer trainer in 2011. She
                             推廣委員會委員,2017年加                sits on AVS Fundraising and Promotion Committee
                             入董事會。她是國際義工協會                 from 2015, and joined the AVS Board in 2017.
                             會員。羅女士獲2012年本局                Ms Loh is an individual member of the International
                                                           Association for Volunteer Effort. She won the AVS
                             香港義工團傑出貢獻獎及於                  Hong  Kong  Community  Volunteers  -  Outstanding
                             2013年獲民政事務局局長頒發               Contribution Award in 2012 and was  awarded
                             嘉許狀。                          Secretary  for  Home  Affairs’  Commendation  for
                                                           Distinguished Service in 2013.

                             容夏谷先生                         Mr Yung Ha Kuk, Victor
                             容先生是香港資深會計師,現任                Mr  Yung  is  a  fellow  of  The  Hong  Kong  Institute
                             數間上市公司之獨立非執行                  of Certified Public Accountants and works for
                             董事。他在多間慈善團體和                  several listed companies as independent non-
                             非牟利組織擔任委員及義務                  executive director. He  serves as a volunteer and
                             工作。容先生曾任本局義務                  on committees of a number of charitable and non-
                             司庫,現為財務及行政委員會                 profit organizations. Mr  Yung was the Honorary
                             委員及董事。                        Treasurer of AVS and now sits on its Board and
                                                           Finance & Administration Committee.

       10  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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