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               Board of Directors

               主席 Chairman

                                   沈之弘醫生                         Dr Shum Chi Wang
                                   沈醫生畢業於英國聖安德烈大學                Dr Shum, graduated from University of St. Andrews
                                   牙科,現任聖德肋撒醫院牙科                 in Scotland, is currently  a dental consultant of
                                   顧問醫生,曾任大埔醫院管治                 St. Teresa’s Hospital. He has served the Hong Kong
                                   委員會委員,參與香港社區服                 community  for  more  than  30  years  and  was  a
                                   務三十多年。沈醫生於1999年               member of the Hospital Governing Committee of
                                   加入本局董事會,2002年起                Tai  Po  Hospital.  Dr  Shum  joined  the  AVS  Board  in
                                                                 1999 and served as Vice-Chairman from 2002. He
                                   擔任副主席,2017年11月擔任              became AVS Chairman in November 2017.
               副主席 Vice-Chairmen

                                   范佐浩SBS太平紳士                    Mr Fan Chor Ho, Paul, SBS, JP
                                   范先生為好利發証券有限公司                 Mr Fan was Chairman of Paul Fan Securities Ltd.
                                   前主席,曾任香港交易所非執                 He was also formerly a Non-executive Director of
                                   行董事、證監會諮詢委員會委                 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd, a member
                                   員及香港中醫藥管理委員會主                 of the Advisory Committee to the Securities
                                   席。多年以來,范先生擔任政                 and  Futures  Commission  and  Chairman  of  the
                                   府小組及委員會多項職務,並                 Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong. Mr Fan
                                                                 is holding appointments on Government boards
                                   積極參與社區活動,尤其是獅                 and committees, actively involved in community
                                   子會的活動。范先生於2010年               activities particularly with the Lions Clubs. Mr Fan
                                   加入本局董事會,2013年起                joined the AVS Board in 2010 and has served as
                                   擔任副主席。                        Vice-Chairman since 2013.

                                   曾佩娟女士                         Ms Tsang Pui Kuen, Camilla
                                   曾女士是星達娛樂製作有限公                 Ms Tsang is Managing Director of Celtic Production
                                   司董事總經理,具二十多年                  Co Ltd. She has over 20 years’ experience in
                                   市場推廣、活動策劃及管理                  marketing and event management and was a
                                   經驗。曾為多間非牟利團體                  volunteer fundraising and promotion consultant of
                                   任義務籌募及推廣顧問。曾                  a  number  of  non-profit  organizations.  She  joined
                                   女士於2000年加入本局董事                the AVS Board in 2000, and has served as Chairman
                                   會,2003年起任籌募及推廣委               of Fundraising & Promotion Committee since
                                                                 2003, and became AVS Vice-Chairman in 2017.
                                   員會主席,2017年擔任本局副               Ms Tsang was awarded Secretary for Home Affairs’
                                   主席。曾女士於2005年獲頒民               Commendation for Distinguished Service in 2005.
               義務秘書 Honorary Secretary

                                   毛迪生先生                         Mr Mo Tik Sang, Alex
                                   毛先生於廣告、市場推廣及                  Mr Mo has  three decades’ specialist experience in
                                   媒體行業擁有三十年的專業                  advertising, marketing and media. He has occupied
                                   經驗,在傳播行業多個範疇具                 several key management roles, building up
                                   有全面經驗,曾擔任多項管理                 integrated experience in multiple disciplines across
                                   要職,現擁有自己的市場顧問                 the communications industry. Mr Mo is now having
                                   公司。毛先生於2011年開始                his own marketing consultant firm. He became
                                   擔任本局籌募及推廣委員會                  AVS Fundraising & Promotion Committee member
                                                                 since 2011 and joined the AVS Board in 2012 and
                                   委員,於2012年加入本局董事               has served as Honorary Secretary since 2018.

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