Page 89 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 89

Hong  Kong  limited  by  guarantee  and  not  having  a  share  capital.  Its  registered  office  and
                                       quality                            Financial   Companies
                         The Agency for Volunteer Service (the “Agency”) is a company incorporated and domiciled in
                                  The Agency is a non-profit organisation dedicated to playing a proactive and pivotal role in
                                    building  a  civil  society  and  caring  community  through  the  promotion  and  development  of
                             principal place of business is located at Room 602, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building,
                                       and                                Kong
                                       value-added                        Hong   Kong   Hong

                                       provide                            with   the   of

                                       to                                 accordance   requirements
                                       organisations  sustainable volunteerism. It develops partnership with all sectors of the community to mobilise   and  The income and assets of the Agency must be applied solely towards the promotion of the  objectives set out in the Agency’s Articles of Association. In the event of the Agency being  wound up, every member shall contribute to the assets of the Agency to the extent of HK$100  each. The Agency’s funds are not distributa

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020   Company information   15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.   groups  individuals,  facilitate   volunteer service.   Revenue Ordinance.   Summary of significant accounting policies     Basis of preparation     have  statements  financial   (“HKFRSs”)  Standards   commencing 1 April 2019:   - HKFRS 16 Leases   reporting periods and on foreseeable future transa

                       1.              and                     stated.           2.      2.1      The   Reporting

                      2019   HK$   5,510,510   2,500,000   8,455,433   16,465,943   (8,455,433)   8,010,510

                                        -   -
                               8  2
                      2020   HK$   3  ,  7  5  12,878,109   18,135,437   18,135,437
                                                                                                           The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
                               ,  2


           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE      STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020 (CONTINUED)   Analysis of balances of cash and cash         d  n  a  h     n  o     d  n  a     k  n  Original maturity of three months or less  Original maturity of over three months    Cash and cash equivalents as stated in the  Statement of financial position  Less: Time deposits with original maturity of over  Cash and cash equivalents per Statement of cash

                                equivalents:   a  b     t  a     h  s  a  C     Time deposits:   -   -   three months   flows
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94