Page 88 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 88

-   -                                          -   -
                        HK$   2,212,831   46,781   (100,692)   3,550   99,055   2,261,525   227,888   (70,406)   564,520   (70,079)   11,151   2,924,599   (134,474)   (782,680)   (5,842,409)   100,692   (6,658,871)   (17,750)   (17,750)   (3,752,022)   11,762,532   8,010,510

                                                   )              )
                                           -                                     -
                             4                     3     1       5
                             7  7  35,907   75,036   0  7  3  0  1  9
                      2020   9                     8     6       6                             10,124,927   18,135,437
                        HK$   ,  9  1,591,529   (156,128)   126,812   4,672,930   (778,312)   ,  8  (645,224)   (169,771)   ,  2  3,152,951   (821,163)   ,  1  8,455,433   156,128   6,428,483   (1,405,561)   1,949,054   543,493   8,010,510
                             ,  9                  (     1       3  ,
                             2                                   1
                        Note                                     1
                                  10     11   7   11      8            10         2  7                   13
                                                                                                             The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.  15

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE      STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020   Cash flows from operating activities      r  a  e  y     e  h  t     r     :  r  o  f     s  t     Depreciation of property, plant and equipment        Depreciation of right-of-use assets       Interest expenses on lease liabilities      Loss on disposal of property, plant and   equipment        Provision for employee benefit obligations      l  a  t  i  p  a  c     g

                                o  f     s  u  l  p  r  u  S     n  e  m  t  s  u  j  d  A      Interest income      i     s  e  g  n  a  h  C  y  a  p  e  r  P  n  u  o  c  c  A  t  p  i  e  c  e  R     o  i  t  i  d  d  A               Interest income   activities      activities      equivalents         financial year



                                            Agency’s funds                     Restricted funds
                                              Agency   Operation   HAB      fund reserve     Other   Other
                                             development   contingency   subvention   Lump sum   under lump   Block grant   designated   allocated
                                     General fund   fund   fund   reserve   grant reserve   sum grant   reserve   services      funds   Total

                                        HK$    HK$     HK$    HK$     HK$     HK$    HK$     HK$      HK$   HK$

         Balance at 1 April 2019        3,652,243   5,347,501   2,300,000   1,101,098   956,091   154,938   283,724   2,335,187     -   16,130,782

         Surplus for the year           2,565,257     -     -     -       -       -      -   434,517     -   2,999,774
         Transfer (from) General fund to Lump sum grant
           reserve, Provident fund reserve under lump sum
           grant and Block grant reserve   (1,356,137)     -     -     -     105,539     87,346     95,189   -     -   (1,068,063)
         Transfer to General fund (from) HAB subvention
           reserve                      76,210     -       -     (266,345)     -     -     -     -       -   (190,135)
         Transfer (from) General fund to Operation contingency
           fund                        (640,000)     -     640,000     -     -     -     -       -       -      -
         Transfers of funds upon completion of the Volunteer
           Talent Bank 2017-20         (110,454)     -     -      -       -       -      -       -       -   (110,454)
         Transfers of funds upon completion of designated
           -  Inno Carnival 2019        16,184     -       -      -       -       -      -     (16,184)     -      -
           -  IoV Restructuring            -       -       -      -       -       -      -     (3,888)     -      (3,888)
           -  Share-to-care Volunteer Campaign      25,531     -     -     -     -     -     -      (25,531)     -      -
           -  TDC Database System Development Project      (10,660)     -     -     -     -     -     -      10,660     -      -

           -  UNV – Hong Kong Universities Volunteer
            Internship Programme         2,937     -       -      -       -       -      -     (2,937)     -    -
           -  Social Welfare Development Fund Phase III
            (Training & Professional Development
            Programmes)                    -       -       -      -       -       -      -     (51,162)     -   (51,162)

         Balance at 31 March 2020       4,221,111     5,347,501     2,940,000     834,753     1,061,630     242,284     378,913   2,680,662     -   17,706,854

         The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93