Page 80 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 80

The Western Garden Neighourhood Elderly Centre (the “WGE”) has achieved most of its KPI targets,
                                                Much needed services were kept as the service demand for the elderly was even higher during
                                      The training services of Hong Kong Institute of Volunteers (the “IoV”) were by and large moved online
                                        which gladly attracted a bigger audience.  A Volunteer YouTube Channel was developed which
                                                           ended 31 March 2021 was enlisted for funding the 9 th  Hong Kong Volunteer Award (the HKVA), the
                                                  challenging times.  Door visits, phone contacts, personal care and small group activities were carried
                                                         Supported  by  corporate  partners  and  loyal  donors,  sponsorship  of  HK$970,000  during  the  year
                                caring cards design, making caring phone calls, upcycled musical instruments, producing videos for
                          is aimed at capitalizing talents and skills of specialist volunteers to respond effectively to societal
                        The Volunteer Talent Bank (the “VTB”), funded by the HKJC Community Project Grant (the “CPG”),
                              online or volunteer-at-home mode.  Face-to-face services were substituted by new ones such as
                            needs. Notwithstanding the adverse situation, volunteer teams have changed service delivery to
                                                             launching ceremony of which was conducted by virtual means in April 2021.
                                                     out with precautionary measures to protect against virus transmission.
                                                                   taken  The  four  IT  systems  have  progressed  well  in  the  year.    The  volunteer  engagement  system  –   had   which  implementation rolled out in the year.  It would be in full run by September 2021.  The Work Efficiency  and  Network  Security  Upgrade  Project  was  concluded  with  the  infrastructure  on  security,  email  system, remote access, hardware and software upgraded.  The WGE Members

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS (CONTINUED)   Business review (Continued)   sharing performances etc.   received very positive feedback.   (V-HK),   Kong   Hong   smoothly as scheduled.   Principal Risks and Uncertainties

                                                                   Volunteer                                  and attract talents.

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS (CONTINUED)  Directors’ material interests in transactions, arrangements and contracts that are significant  to the Agency’s operations  No transactions, arrangements or contracts of significance in relation to the Agency’s operations to  which the Agency was a party and in which a director of the Agency had a material interest, whether  directly or indirectly, subsisted at the end of the year or at any t

                                          Business review                                                     members.
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85