Page 87 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 87

2020   HK$               -   -
                               5,257,328   12,878,109   18,135,437   18,135,437

                      2021   HK$
                               3,651,690   18,551,138   1,009,007   23,211,835   (1,009,007)   22,202,828


           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (CONTINUED)  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2021   Analysis of balances of cash and cash   Cash at bank and on hand    Original maturity of three months or less  Original maturity of over three months   Cash and cash equivalents as stated in the  Statement of financial position  Less: Time deposits with original maturity of over  Cash and cash equivalents per Statement of   The accompanying notes form an int

                                equivalents:      Time deposits:   -   -   three months   cash flows

                      2020   HK$               -   35,907   75,036   126,812      (88,703)   162,031         156,128         -   543,493

                             2,999,774   1,591,529   (156,128)   4,672,930   (778,312)   (645,224)   (169,771)   3,152,951   (821,163)   (1,361,915)   8,455,433   6,428,483   (1,405,561)   1,949,054   10,124,927   8,010,510   18,135,437

                      2021   HK$            45,226   (89,710)   60,615      (3,113)   (54,909)         89,710         (23,114)

                             1,692,922   (1,072,980)   1,585,042   156,654   2,377,769   (906,339)   (287,178)   4,705,690     5,831,920   (1,226,406)   (1,489,266)   (1,009,007)   (3,634,969)   (707,160)   2,600,714   1,870,440   4,067,391   18,135,437   22,202,828

                          Note    7   10    11   7   11            10   12    7   11(c)                  14

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE      STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2021   Cash flows from operating activities   Surplus for the year      COVID-19-related rent concessions      Depreciation of property, plant and equipment      Depreciation of right-of-use assets     Interest expenses on lease liabilities     Provision for employee benefit obligations   Changes in working capital  Account and other receivables  Prepayments and deposits  Acc

                                   Adjustments for:      Interest income            Interest income   activities
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92