4C Youth Volunteer Leadership Project

Project Content
Through the 4C (Confidence, Care, Commitment, Courage) development model, it fosters the youth’s holistic development and nurtures their healthy personalities and civic awareness. The Project also facilitates schools to build student volunteer teams and supports the youth volunteer leaders to mobilize their fellow schoolmates to volunteer, in order that the spirit of volunteerism could be cultivated and students would care more about the needs of the disadvantaged.

With the theme of “Volunteering X Gearing Up”, this year is focusing on students’ personal development as youth volunteer leaders. The Project facilitates students to equip themselves by understanding themselves as well as the needs of service targets and the community, in order to strengthen their skills and experiences, and broaden their imagination on volunteering. The Project aims to gear up students as comprehensive volunteer leaders and to provide “Real Service”.
(The application has been closed for this year. Please stay tuned to our website or Facebook page for updates: 4C Youth Volunteer Leadership Project)

Contact Us
Hong Kong Institute of Volunteers
Tel: (852)2865 2520
Fax: (852)2527 3362
E-mail: iov@avs.org.hk
Facebook Page: 4C Youth Volunteer Leadership Project
Instagram Page: 4cyouthvolunteer
Senior Officer: Ms Lai Ching Yan(Yan Lai)
Officer: Ms Lai Yik Kwan(Sara Lai)