Family Plus Volunteer Scheme 2021/22
Family Plus Volunteer Scheme 2021/22 is now launched!
To further promote family volunteering, Agency for Volunteer Service and Hong Kong Disneyland Resort jointly launch the Family Plus Volunteer Scheme again.
We have enlisted 10 partner organizations to recruit 500 teams of family volunteers to continue volunteering under the new normal. Participating families will have the opportunity to receive complimentary one-day admission ticket(s) to Hong Kong Disneyland upon completion of certain volunteer service hours in the designated period.
In addition, online trainings on "Family Volunteering" will be provided for family volunteers and partner organizations on family volunteering service opportunities and related service skills under the pandemic, for their quality and effective volunteering.
Families who are interested to join this Scheme are welcomed to contact the partner organizations.
Scheme Details:
1. Scheme Period: Service hours counting period:
September 2021 to May 2022
Zoom Training period: November to December 2021
Ticket distribution period: June to August 2022
2. Participation Criteria:
- The participants must be family-based
- Family volunteers carry two or more family members (such as with parent, child (biological, adopted or step), grandparent, sibling, spouse, parent of spouse, sibling of spouse and their child) who participate in the same volunteer service together
- Main registrant of the family volunteer must be aged 18 or above
3. Volunteer Recognition:
- Family volunteers may receive a complimentary 1-day admission ticket to Hong Kong Disneyland if at least two family members have completed a cumulative 8 hours of volunteer services organized by the partner organizations. (Accumulation 16 hours may get 2 tickets, and so on)
- A maximum of 4 tickets would be allocated to a family (child aged below 3 is free to park and not included in the quota)
4. Training (Only for partner organizations and family volunteers):
Format: Zoom online training
Date: 6/11/2021 (Sat) 10:30 – 11:30
Date: 20/11/2021 (Sat) 10:30 – 11:30
Date: 17/12/2021 (Fri) 19:30 – 20:30
Date: 18/12/2021 (Sat) 10:30 – 11:30
Time: 1 hour / session, in total 4 sessions
Training Content:
- Role of parents in family volunteering
- Service debriefing skills with children
- Tips of family volunteering at home
- Case sharing of family volunteering under the pandemic Please enroll through partner organizations.

Partner Organizations
(In Chinese character order)
Please contact the above partner organizations if you are interested in participating in this volunteer scheme.