Hopeful School Project


With the donations raised, this project has directed its efforts to construct school premises, upgrade school facilities and provide volunteer service for students in the remote mountainous regions in Mainland China. AVS will organize volunteers to visit these schools regularly, providing students with recreational, social and educational activities.


  • To improve the learning environment of the needy students in Mainland China
  • To provide proper service opportunities for volunteers in Hong Kong to serve the disadvantaged children in Mainland China
  • To facilitate cooperation, exchange and experience sharing between Hong Kong SAR and the Mainland

Students in remote regions in Northern Guangdong


  • To devise and coordinate suitable and non-political service items, such as interest groups, recreational activities, homework guidance, social functions and special visits, etc.
  • Assist in organizing Hong Kong citizens to participate in such service
  • Assist in raising funds for such service

  1. Age 18 or above
  2. F.5 standard or above

Not available for Volunteers registration. Enquires and Contacts


Tel : (852) 2546 0694

Note: Project ended in Year 2012.