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         Hong Kong Council of Volunteering

          香港義務工作議會是一個社團聯席                         Hong Kong Council of Volunteering (HKCOV) is a joint
          委員會,由本局聯同各界團體於2004年                     committee  established  by  AVS  in  2004,  with  a  view  to
          成立,目的是建立一個跨界別的交流及                       building a cross-sectoral platform for the exchange and
          協作平台,匯聚各界的力量,推動義務                       collaboration to cultivate broader participation in volunteering.
          工作的發展。工作範圍包括:就香港                        It serves to advise on the promotion and development of
          義務工作的推廣和發展提出建議、研究                       volunteerism  in Hong Kong, to  consider  measures  conducive
          促成有利義務工作發展環境的有關                         to a favourable environment of volunteering, and to review the
          措施,及檢視國際義務工作的發展和                        international development of volunteering and Hong Kong’s
          香港參與的狀況。現時議會成員組織                        participation in such development. Currently, the HKCOV has
          共有18個。                                  18 member organizations.

          專業人士義工服務                                Professional Volunteer Service

          嘉許計劃                                    Accreditation Programme (PVSA)

          計劃於2005年推出,由香港義務工作                      Introduced in 2005 by AVS together with HKCOV and its member
          議會及其成員組織,連同義務工作                         organizations, the Programme encourages professionals and
          發展局三方攜手合作,設立嘉許制度,                       senior executives to share their expertise for the benefits of the
          以鼓勵專業人士及高級行政人員積極                        community. Over the years, Association of Hong Kong Nursing
          運用專業才能參與義務工作。計劃自推出                      Staff, International Chamber of Commerce - Hong Kong,  The
          以來,議會多個成員組織已相繼成立此                       Hong  Kong  Dental  Association,  The  Hong  Kong  Institute  of
          計劃,包括香港護士協會、國際商會-                       Architects, The Hong Kong Institute of Planners, The Hong Kong
          香港區會、香港牙醫學會、香港建築師                       Institute of Surveyors, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
          學會、香港規劃師學會、香港測量師                        and The Law Society of Hong Kong have implemented PVSA to
                                                  recognize their members’ active contributions.
                                                  In 2011, AVS launched the Leadership Bauhinia  Volunteer
          2011年 本 局 推 出 首屆「 紫 荊 領 袖 義             Award to recognize those professionals and senior executives
          工獎」,以嘉許在義務工作領域具卓越                       who had made outstanding contributions and achievements in
          貢獻及成就的專業人士及高級行政                         volunteering. Nominated by the HKCOV member organizations,
          人員。紫荊領袖義工獎的候選人由香港                       candidates eligible for the Award are PVSA Gold Awardees with
          義務工作議會的成員組織提名,須獲                        at least 200 hours of service performed in the 2 years preceding
          專業人士義工服務嘉許計劃金獎或以上                       the nomination period. The 5  Leadership Bauhinia Volunteer
          獎項,並於提名期的過去兩年內提供                        Award will be held next year.

       16  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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