Page 23 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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               Fight Coronavirus Together —

               Volunteer Service Campaigns

               新型冠狀病毒於2020年初在香港首現,                      The  novel  coronavirus  outbreak  in  early  2020  rippled  across
               並於社區迅速傳播,對市民、各行                          Hong Kong, threatening at an unprecedented scale the lives
               各業,以致整個社會均帶來前所未有的                        and livelihood of all. The AVS’ operation was affected and many
               衝擊。這場突如其來的疫症影響本局的                        volunteer service programmes were suspended or cancelled.
               日常運作,很多義工服務也因此需要                         Demonstrating an unfaltering dedication to volunteerism in the
               延後舉行,甚至取消!面對這艱難的                         time of this global pandemic, AVS and the volunteers responded
               環境,本局與義工們繼續堅守使命,                         swiftly to the Government's anti-pandemic efforts, and initiated
               除了響應政府的抗疫工作,更迅速自行                        proactively  a  variety  of  resilience-building  volunteer  services
               籌辦多項抗疫義工服務,為市民提供                         in  the  community.  The  below  sections  give  the  programme
               適切的支援。以下是本局部份抗疫義工                        highlights.  For  more  details  of  the  activities,  please  visit  AVS
               服務,詳細報告請瀏覽本局網頁。                          web page.

              「同心抗疫」義工服務                                ‘Fight Coronavirus Together’

               本局於2020年2月初響應香港特區政府                      Volunteer Service
               呼籲,邀請屬下香港義工團會員及合                         In response to the Government’s request, AVS in February 2020
               作夥伴團體攜手參與「同心抗疫」義工                        appealed to our Hong Kong Community Volunteers (HKCV)
               行動,支援各政府部門的抗疫服務,                         and partner organizations for their support in various anti-virus
               發揮義務精神,同心協力紓緩疫情。                         services conducted by different Government departments.
               本局義工迅速回應,登記參與的義工逾                        A total of 150 volunteers have registered within a matter
               150位。                                    of weeks.

             「急民所需」口罩募集                                 Mask Raising Campaign

               疫症爆發初期,口罩嚴重短缺,本局                         There was a serious shortage of masks at the early outbreak
               香港義工學院於2020年2月舉辦「急民                      of COVID-19. AVS Hong Kong Institute of  Volunteers (HKIoV)
               所需」口罩募集活動,動員「4C青年義工                      initiated the Campaign in February 2020. Making best use of
               領袖計劃」一眾學生,停課不停行義,                        their free time during classes suspension, the students of 4C
               通過社交媒體及流動程式,向公眾募集                        Youth  Volunteer Leadership Project  through  the social  media
               口罩,轉送有需要人士。活動獲市民                         and mobile applications appealed the public to donate face
               支持,5天內收集口罩逾11,000個,                      masks for the needy. Within 5 days, more than 11,000 face masks
                                                        were  collected and delivered through the Hong Kong Housing
               經檢查及包裝後,透過香港房屋協會派                        Society to 2,150 elderly living in Cho Yiu Chuen, Kwai Chung.

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  19
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