Page 24 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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西園長者中心 Anti-virus Services in WGE
關懷長者行動日 In light of the coronavirus outbreak, Social Welfare Department
(SWD) allocated special funding to AVS Western Garden
本局西園長者中心獲社會福利署撥款 Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (WGE) for the purchase of face
採購防疫物資,並獲善長捐贈口罩及 masks, hygienic and sanitizing products for the members.
消毒用品,派發予長者中心會員。更與 And in partnership with the Capering Holistic Medical Alliance,
「第八屆香港傑出義工獎」得獎團隊「義醫 an awardee of the 8 Hong Kong Volunteer Award, WGE
同行」攜手合作,動員30位中西醫護、 organized a visiting programme in February 2020 with
心理輔導員、醫科學生和義工,於2020年 30 volunteers from the medical and health care sector,
2月探訪中西區內176位長者,向長者 paying caring visits to 176 elderlies and delivering them
派發防疫物資,並講解防疫及清潔衛生 masks, sanitizing products, health food, as well as advice on
貼士,表達關懷。 virus prevention.
「同心抗疫」 ‘Fight Coronavirus Together’
義工關懷行動 Volunteer Care Action
面對新型冠狀病毒的持續威脅,社會上的 Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, AVS launched the ‘Fight
弱勢社群,特別是時常需要進出醫院的 Coronavirus Together’ Volunteer Care Action in March 2020.
長期病患者、獨居長者、殘障人士、 Sponsored by COVID-19 Emergency Fund and in-kind donation
低收入家庭等,他們對防疫物資的需求 from the public, the project supported more than 150 community
尤為殷切。本局獲「新冠肺炎緊急援助 groups/service organizations to mobilize volunteer support
基金」資助及社會人士的物資捐贈, to meet the needs of 20,000 underprivileged by providing
於2020年3月推出「同心抗疫」義工 them with protective masks, hand sanitizers, virus prevention
關懷行動,動員親子義工繪製心意卡, advice and a caring card drawn by family volunteers. Beneficiary
並鼓勵及支援150多間社區團體/服務 organizations and groups were those serving the chronically-ill
patients, elderly living alone, people with disabilities, low-income
機構組織義工推行防疫服務,派發防疫 families, etc who had greater urgent demand for hygienic and
物品及傳送正確防疫資訊,向2萬名弱勢 protective supplies.
「同心抗疫 義助同行」 ‘Fight Coronavirus Together
V-together’ Volunteer Care
於2020年3月合辦「同心抗疫 義助同行」。 Programme
的2,500份防疫包,經由本局義工送贈予 Together with The Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) Volunteer
Team, AVS Volunteer Action Centre (VAC) organized a joint
有需要人士及家庭,包括長期病患者、 Programme in March 2020, packing and distributing sets of
獨居長者、基層家庭、前線清潔工友及 hand sanitizers and wet wipes to people in need. Funded by
the HKJC, the packs reached the hands of 2,500, including
chronically-ill patients, the elderly living alone, low-income
families, cleaning workers and security guards.
20 2019-2020 服務年報 Annual Service Report