Page 6 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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年內,本局的恆常服務成績尚算滿意!                        During the year, our regular service continued to operate fairly
        「香港義工團」會員人數在中期有顯著的                        well. The membership of the Hong Kong Community Volunteers
         升幅。惟下半年不少義工轉介服務的項目                       recorded a marked increase at mid-term. However, it dropped
         因社會運動而取消,致使會員人數略為                        somewhat because many projects requiring our volunteers were
                                                  cancelled because of the social unrest in the latter part of the
                                                  year.  Nevertheless,  we  still  achieved  90%  of  the  performance
                                                  targets. As regards the Volunteer Talent Bank project, we were
         社區資助計劃的支持,讓我們的專才義工                       able to secure the continued support of The Hong Kong Jockey
         服務隊在未來三年得以持續發展,支援                        Club Community Project Grant.  This enabled our  Volunteer

         有需要的團體和人士。「西園長者中心」                       Talent Teams to further develop their services in the next 3 years.
         在疫情下未能開放,只提供有限度服務,                       Our Western Garden Neighbourhood Elderly Centre was closed
         但對於有需要關懷的長者,我們作出特別                       temporarily and could only provide limited service in order to
         安排,送贈防疫用品外,更提供情緒                         minimize the risk of virus transmission. However, for the elderly in
                                                  need of care, special arrangements were made to provide them
                                                  with not only anti-virus supplies, but also emotional support
                                                  and health advice to ease their anxieties and depression.

         在疫情下,我們「香港義工學院」的培訓                       The coronavirus also affected the services of our Hong Kong
         服務也受到影響,透過創新科技的應用,                       Institute of  Volunteers. However, with the application of
         很多課程都轉往網上平台發展,反應超                        innovative technology, many training courses were moved
         乎預期,成效可喜!「香港義工約章 –                       online. The response to these training courses was gratifying and
                                                  much better than expected. The Hong Kong Volunteer Charter
                                                  Practice Reference Guide was published in the year in the hope
                                                  that it will help further promote the development of quality
                                                  volunteer service.
         傑出義工獎」,旨在表揚義工和義工                         The 8  Hong Kong  Volunteer Award we co-organized with
         團體,以及企業在義務工作的出色表現。                       South China Media was intended to give due recognition to
         15個獲獎單位各具特色,成就卓越,                        the outstanding performance of volunteers, volunteer groups
         為受助者和社區帶來重大的影響和幫助,                       and corporations. 15 awardees were selected, each with special
                                                  contributions.  Their distinguished  achievements not only
                                                  brought about significant impact to the beneficiaries and
                                                  the community, but also made themselves a role model
                                                  in volunteering.

       2  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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