Page 7 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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在國際層面,本局的聯合國香港大學生                        On the international front, the UNV-Hong Kong Universities
               義工實習計劃已進入第五屆,年內招募及                       Volunteer Internship Programme ran into the 5  round.
               培訓20名大學生前往海外從事6個月的                       20 university students were selected and trained for volunteer
               義務工作,在增強香港青年義工的能力                        assignments overseas for 6 months. This not only enhanced the
                                                        capacities of Hong Kong youth volunteers, but also helped build
                                                        up their global perspective and expand cultural exchange and
                                                        experience. During the year, a new agreement was signed with
               志願人員組織簽訂了新的合作協議,感謝                       the United Nations Volunteers (UNV). Thanks to the strong
               民政事務局對該計劃的大力支持,繼續                        support and sponsorship of the Home Affairs Bureau to this

               給予贊助,得以擴大義工名額,讓更多                        programme, more university students could gain volunteering
               大學生有機會獲取國際義務工作體驗,                        experience at the international level and better equip themselves
               為個人發展及貢獻社會作出更好裝備。                        for personal development and making future contributions to
                                                        the society.

                                                        As in the past years, we organized celebrations to mark the
                                                        International Volunteer Day (IVD). We paid salute to volunteers
               體嘉許義工,呼籲市民積極行義,分享                        in Hong Kong and encouraged organizations to recognize the

               愛與關懷。活動得到多間媒體的贊助,                        contributions of volunteers at the same time; we called on all
               在線上線下發佈行義信息,推出各類推                        citizens to actively participate in volunteering, to share love and
               廣活動,營造利於義務工作的氣氛。                         care. Publicity on-line and off-line were rolled out with support
                                                        from the mass media to create a favourable atmosphere for
                                                        volunteer actions.
                                                        During  the  year,  a  number  of  fundraising  activities  were
               義賣」等。2020年3月初舉行的賣旗日                      launched in support of our service operation and development.
               戶外賣旗活動為配合政府防疫措施而                         These included ‘Run and Walk for Volunteering’, ‘Territory-wide
               取消,集中售賣金旗募捐善款。在各界                        Flag Day’, ‘Books for Love @ $10’, etc. Unfortunately, the

               企業及團體、本局董事、委員、義工及                        Territory-wide  Flag Day outdoor flag selling activity, which
               同事的努力和支持下,年內各籌款項目                        was scheduled for early March 2020, had to be cancelled to
               共籌得140多萬港元。雖然成績未達                        keep in line with the measures taken by the government to
                                                        combat  the  epidemic.  As  an  alternative,  we  concentrated  our
                                                        effort on seeking Gold Flag donations. Through the support of
                                                        companies and organizations from different sectors and the
                                                        concerted effort of Board and Committee members, volunteers
                                                        and staff, we managed to raise a total of some $1.4 million in
                                                        the year. Though not meeting fully the targets, we are much
                                                        encouraged and  deeply  grateful  to have raised this  level  of
                                                        proceeds amidst such extraordinary difficult times.

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  3
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