Page 83 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 83

HK$30.9 million included manpower cost of HK$17.2 million (55%) and operation and programme
                                        The Agency recorded reserves of HK$12.5 million as at 31 March 2020, which included General
                               expenditure went up by 10% from HK$28.1 million in 2018/19 to HK$30.9 million in 2019/20, largely
                                 caused by the increase in programme expenditure and manpower cost.    The total expenditure of
                                                     The  Agency  has  seen  the  effects  of  climate  change  and  environmental  degradation.  We  are
                                          Fund  of  HK$4.22  million,  the  Operation  Contingency  Fund  of  HK$2.94  million  and  the  Agency
                                           Development Fund of HK$5.35 million.   The latter two funds are maintained to meet contingency
                            The total income of HK$33.9 million for 2019/20 was around 12% more than that (HK$30.4 million)
                              of  2018/19.  It  was  mainly  due  to  the  increase  in  subventions,  grants  and  allocations.  The  total
                                                        of                                   precautionary   development
                                                        pursuance                                   staff
                                                        In                                   and
                                             or any unexpected financial needs and the future development of the Agency.
                                                                                             policy   organized
                                                        environment.                         declaration   Agency
                                                        office                               health   the
                                                        green  supportive  of  the  environmental  green  policy  by  encouraging  staff  and  volunteer  staff  to  save   adopt   and  commitment, we also promote green volunteering activities and encourage staff and volunteers to  The  Agency firmly  upholds  good corporate governance.    We  have  strictly  complied  with  all  the  relevant laws and regulations during the year under review, in particular, the Companies

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS (CONTINUED)   Business review (Continued)   Financial Performance   cost of HK$13.7 million (45%).   Environmental Policies   wastage   paper  reduce  apply environmental protection practice in their daily life.  Compliance with Relevant Laws and Regulations   Practice Manual as required by the SWD.  Key Relationships with Employees, Customers and Suppliers   work-from-home   and   professional  continuou

                                                        energy,                              operation      encourage   To

                                    The  social  unrest  and the  COVID-19  pandemic  have  hard  hit  the  economy  in  Hong  Kong. The
                             grade staff. With reference to the findings from the staff exit survey, the Agency has strived to offer
                               a more competitive employment package within the available financial resources in order to retain
                           Another challenge faced by the Agency is the high staff turnover, especially for officer and assistant
                                                  of                            was   societal
                                      impact may last for years. Besides the difficulty in fund raising, the service provision will also be
                                        seriously  affected.  The  Agency  has  assessed  the  implications  and  formulated  action  plans  to
                                                  development   technological   environmental   (2017-2020)   changing   operational   the
                                                  further      to  allocated   in  volunteering   HKCV   the   increase
                                                  promoting    be   will        the   of   meet   to   to

                                                  in                 promote    Plan   up   expected
                                                  services  2020 is the 50th anniversary of the Agency. Like the past five decades, we will continue to devote   quality  An important strategic direction of the Agency is to improve the operational efficiency and enhance  user experience through innovation and technology.    The development of the V-HK program, the  Financial Management System (the “FMS”), the WGE membership system and the Work Efficiency  and Network Secur

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS (CONTINUED)   Business review (Continued)  Principal Risks and Uncertainties (Continued)   secure the financial and organizational sustainability.   Future Development in Business   providing   and  developing   to   online   and  communication   “Together.   Day  Greening   Three-year   the   on   plan  strategic  three-year   of  launching   The   the scope of volunteering.

                                 and attract talents.            efforts   our   volunteerism.          digital   development.        Volunteer   trees.      Review   The   next   circumstances.   experience.         agencies overseas.
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