Page 13 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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董事 Directors

                                  陳家康先生                         Mr Chan Ka Hong, Roland
                                  陳先生曾任香港賽馬會人事                  Mr Chan was the Human Resources Manager
                                  政策經理,並曾服務勞工處                  (Corporate Services) of The Hong Kong Jockey Club.
                                  就業輔導委員會及香港公益                  He was a member of Committee on Employment
                                  金僱員募捐籌劃委員會。他於                 Services of the Labour Department and Campaign
                                  2002年加入本局董事會,並                Organizing Committee of The Community Chest of
                                  參與多個委員會及工作小組的                 Hong Kong. He joined the AVS Board in 2002 and
                                  工作,2017年起擔任財務及                sits on several committees and working groups,
                                                                and has served as Chairman of Finance &
                                  行政委員會主席。陳先生於                  Administration Committee since 2017. Mr Chan
                                  2013年獲民政事務局局長頒發               was awarded Secretary for Home Affairs’
                                  嘉許狀。                          Commendation for Distinguished Service in 2013.

                                  車淑梅女士, MH                     Ms Chea Shuk Mui, Candy, MH
                                  車女士是資深傳媒人,曾經連                 Ms Chea is a veteran media professional. She was
                                  續8年榮獲全港最受歡迎唱片                 elected ‘The Most Popular DJ’ in Hong Kong for 8
                                  騎師榜首。車女士曾主持多個                 consecutive years.  Ms  Chea  anchored  a  number
                                  膾炙人口的節目,現仍主持長                 of popular shows. Currently she hosts a signature
                                  壽節目《舊日的足跡》,在空氣                talk show called ‘Footprints in the Old Days’ which
                                  中傳揚正面訊息。車女士獲得                 aims  to  tell  uplifting  stories.  Ms  Chea  has  won
                                                                numerous awards, including ‘Ten Outstanding Young
                                  不少獎項,包括香港十大傑出                 Persons  Award’,  ‘The First  Hong  Kong  Volunteer
                                  青年、首屆香港傑出義工獎、                 Award’,  The Chief Executive’s Commendation for
                                  行政長官社區服務獎狀等,                  Community Service etc and was conferred an
                                  並獲頒授嶺南大學榮譽院士。                 honorary fellowship by  The Lingnan University.
                                  車女士為香港傑出義工會之創                 Ms Chea was the founding Chairperson of the
                                  會會長,於2018年加入本局董               Hong Kong Volunteer Awardees Society and joined
                                  事會。車女士於2021年獲香港               the AVS Board in 2018. Ms Chea was awarded
                                  政府行政長官頒授榮譽勳章。                 the Medal of Honour in 2021 by the Chief Executive
                                                                of HKSAR.

                                  趙鳳儀女士, MH                     Ms Chiu Fung Yi, Kitty, MH
                                  趙女士是海天堂有限公司董事                 Ms Chiu is a Director of Hoi Tin Tong Co Ltd and
                                  及海天藝術學院院長。多年來                 Principal of Hoi Tin Arts and Dance Academy Ltd.
                                  關注婦女事務,出任油尖旺婦                 She has made significant contribution to women
                                  女會創會會長、油尖旺社團聯                 issues for years and is Founder of  Yau  Tsim
                                  會榮譽會長及九龍婦女聯會副                 Mong  Women Association. Meanwhile, she is
                                  主席職務。2019年加入本局                Honorary Chairman of  Yau  Tsim Mong Federation
                                  董事會,致力推動優質義工                  of Association and  Vice Chairman of Kowloon
                                                                Women’s Organizations Federation Ltd. She joined
                                  服務。                           the AVS Board in 2019, dedicated to promoting
                                                                volunteer service.

                                                                               2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report  9
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