Page 14 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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董事 Directors

                             蔡雋思先生                         Mr Choi Chun Sze, Johnson
                             蔡先生是香港新華集團執行                  Mr Choi is Executive Director and Vice President of
                             董事兼副總裁,並任遼寧省政                 the Hong Kong Sunwah Group and a member of
                             協委員。他熱心公益及社會                  the Liaoning Committee of the CPPCC of the
                             事務,包括捐建遼寧大學新華                 People’s Republic of China. He is enthusiastic in
                             國際商學院、東北大學教育                  public and social services and in supporting the
                             基金、北京三奕國際學校及廣                 Sun Wah International Business School of Liaoning
                             東新華教育學院等。蔡先生亦                 University, the Liaoning Northeastern University
                                                           Education Foundation, the Beijing 3e International
                             積極推動國際商貿交流和合                  School and the Guangdong Sun  Wah Education
                             作,並出任多個國際商會的重                 Institute. Mr Choi actively promotes international
                             要職務。蔡先生於2018年加入               exchange and cooperation in trade and commerce
                             本局董事會。                        and holds leading capacities in international
                                                           chambers of commerce. Mr Choi joined the AVS
                                                           Board in 2018.

                             范佐浩先生, SBS, JP                Mr Fan Chor Ho, Paul, SBS, JP
                             范先生為好利發証券有限公司                 Mr Fan was Chairman of Paul Fan Securities Ltd.
                             前主席,曾任香港交易所非執                 He was also formerly a Non-executive Director of
                             行董事、證監會諮詢委員會委                 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd, a member
                             員及香港中醫藥管理委員會主                 of the Advisory Committee to the Securities
                             席。多年以來,范先生擔任政                 and Futures Commission and Chairman of the
                             府小組及委員會多項職務,並                 Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong. Mr Fan
                                                           is holding appointments on Government boards
                             積極參與社區活動,尤其是獅                 and committees, actively involved in community
                             子會的活動。范先生於2010年               activities particularly with the Lions Clubs. Mr Fan
                             加入本局董事會,並於2013至               joined the AVS Board in 2010 and served as
                             2020年間擔任副主席。                  Vice-Chairman from 2013 to 2020.

                             洪毅先生                          Mr Hung Ngai, Stephen
                             洪先生於行動商務應用、金                  Mr Hung is the top management of two innovation
                             融科技、數據保安及電子廣                  companies and a technology veteran of over 20
                             告等科技領域擁有20年的專                 years of experience with expertise in mobile
                             業經驗,現任兩間科技公司的                 business solutions, fintech, data security and
                             管理層。洪先生於2017年起                digital advertising. Mr Hung joined AVS in 2017
                             擔任本局籌募及推廣委員會委                 as a member of the Fundraising & Promotion
                             員,其後加入資訊科技專責小                 Committee and joined the IT Task Force afterwards.
                                                           He became AVS Board member in 2019.

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