Senior Project Officer 高級項目主任【Ref︰SPO (SP)】
Key Responsibilities:
- Assist the manager in driving operational planning and execution of the HKV-Award Secretariat;
- Establish and maintain partnerships with key internal and external stakeholders;
- Coordinate cross-functional collaboration to ensure project success;
- To prepare and produce reports and communication materials for reporting, promotional and fund-raising purposes;
- To delegate tasks and provide guidance to team members and manage performance of direct report(s)
- To perform other tasks, in alignment with the mission and objectives of the Agency as assigned.
- University graduate in Business Administration / Communications/ Language or related Arts disciplines with 3 years of solid working experience
- Demonstrate a can-do attitude, highly motivated, able to work independently and excellent problem-solving skills;
- Presentable and display a mature personality with analytical thinking, good communication and interpersonal skills;
- Innovative, diligent, self-motivated, good team player, able to work independently under pressure and meet deadlines;
- Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese, including Putonghua;
- Proficient in MS Office applications including Word, Excel and PowerPoint;
- Willing to work overtime & outside normal office hours (if necessary);
- Experience in social service, volunteer management or event and project organizing is an advantage.
(Information provided will be used strictly for recruitment purpose only and will be destroyed after completion of the recruitment process.)
註冊社工 (長者服務)【編號︰RSW_O (WGE)】
- 負責推行個案輔導、隱蔽長者個案或護老者服務
- 聯繫會員及社區團體/組織,及負責上級指派的其他職務
- 協助長者服務經理策劃及推行中心的服務和活動
- 支援本局舉辦不同的活動及義工服務
- 註冊社工,持認可社工文憑/副學士或同等學歷
- 2年或以上相關工作經驗
- 中、英語文能力良好 (包括普通話)
- 具良好應用資訊科技能力 (Windows, MS Office, Internet, Digital Media)
- 具良好人際關係、團隊合作精神及溝通技巧
- 關懷長者、有責任感,能獨立工作及面對挑戰
- 具長者服務經驗或安老服務統一評估機制評估員資格優先考慮
合 約 期︰ 2年(約滿可續,視乎工作表現)
Accounting Officer 會計主任【編號︰PO (ACC)】5-day week
- Performs month-end and year-end account closing including the provision of accruals
- Responsible for daily accounting functions including cash flow projection, AR, AP, payment preparation and follow-up and handling of petty cash
- Handles monthly bank reconciliation and general ledgers transactions
- Assists in ad-hoc projects as assigned
- High Diploma or Degree holder in Accounting, Finance or related business disciplines
- LCCI / ACCA / HKICPA qualification is preferable
- At least 3 years accounting experience, preferably in handling full set of accounts
- Proficient in using Sage 50 Accounting System is preferable
- Familiar with Microsoft Office (Word & Excel) and Chinese Word processing
- Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese
- A good team player, detail-minded, strong sense of responsibility and good communication and interpersonal skills
職 責:
- 協助經理制定「第15屆全運會香港賽區義工計劃」(下稱:計劃)推行策略
- 執行義工招募、培訓、管理及相關服務、系統測試等工作,確保資源得以適當運用,促進工作成效及服務發展,達到機構的使命和願景及計劃的預期目標
- 與合作單位積極合作,配合計劃的運作
- 積極建立社區網絡,識別發展機會及資源,以助提升計劃的影響力
- 協助定期滙報計劃進展及財務報告,並進行數據搜集和分析
- 執行上級指派,並符合機構及計劃目的和使命之其他工作
- 持相關大學學位或同等學歷;如未達同等學歷,需額外具3年相關工作經驗
- 具2年或以上社會服務、活動組織或義工管理經驗
- 熟識社福機構的運作;具組織及執行大型義工或運動項目經驗者優先
- 細心、有責任感、有團隊精神、能獨立工作、具良好組織和分析能力,良好人際關係及溝通技巧、能面對工作壓力和挑戰
- 良好資訊科技及社交媒體應用能力(Windows, MS Office, Internet, Social Media)
- 良好中英文書寫及會話能力,包括普通話
工作時間: 每週5天工作,須外勤、假日及超時工作(可獲補假)
工作地點︰ 灣仔
合 約 期︰ 到任日至2026年3月31日
約滿酬金: 如工作表現滿意,可獲約滿酬金
有意者請詳附履歷及期望薪酬電郵至本局財務及行政部: hr@avs.org.hk,請註明申請職位編號。
項目助理 (兼職)(全運會義工計劃)
職 責:
- 協助「第十五屆全國運動會香港賽區義工計劃」協作機構辦公室的運作,以及計劃下所舉辦的培訓、義工服務及活動相關的文書、行政、聯繫、資料搜集和輸入、物資處理等工作。
- 中五/DSE程度或以上
- 中、英語文能力良好,能操普通話更佳
- 熟識電腦操作 (Windows, MS Office, Internet)
- 有團隊精神、良好人際關係與溝通技巧
工作時間: 基本每週約2天工作,須外勤、須假日工作
工作地點︰ 銅鑼灣
合 約 期︰ 9個月(4/2025 - 12/2025)
時薪: HKD 80
有意者請附履歷電郵至本局財務及行政部 hr@avs.org.hk,請註明申請職位。