Page 104 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 104

The reserve represented subvention balance designated for provident fund of subvented staff
                               fund                 3,136,871   259,816   (7,653)   3,389,034   2020   HK$      92,222   2019   HK$      1,351,027   1,615,000   2,966,027
                               provident      2019      HK$

                               adjusting      2020   HK$   3,463,400   281,398   (3,289)   3,741,509

                               emoluments  personal   in     There  are  no  loans,  quasi-loans  or  other  dealings  in  favour  of  the  directors,  their  No director of the Agency had a material interest, directly or indirectly, in any significant  transactions,  arrangements  and  contracts  in  relation  to  the  Agency’s  operation  to  which the Agency was or is a party that subsisted at the end of the year or at any time  (a) The future aggregate minimum lease p

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020  Provident fund reserve under lump sum grant   under the LSG.   increase   for   used   is  reserve  contribution rates of staff subvented under the LSG.   HAB subvention reserve    The reserve represented subvention fund balance from the HAB.  Key management personnel’s remuneration of the Agency   Provident fund  Provision for employee benefit obligations  con

                       20.         The      21.         22.                  Salaries         (a)      (b)      23.

                          2019   HK$   216,592      71,000   -   -   -   287,592      3,868   -   -   3,868      -      283,724      and  furniture   2019   HK$   917,860   827,514   (742,188)   -   (47,095)   956,091

                                        -      9   8  -               -      -      -      -            -               for            6,692
                          2020   HK$   283,724   95,000   1  378,913   378,913   Fund   2020   HK$   956,091   1,254,256    (1,068,063)    (87,346)   1,061,630


                                                                SWD   the   by  At  31  March  2020,  there  were  no  outstanding  commitments  in  respect  of  Furniture  and  Equipment Replenishment and Minor Works related to Block Grant (2019: Nil)   The LSG was received from the SWD for operation of the WGE.   46

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020   Block Grant Reserve     Balance of the Block Grant Reserve brought forward from  previous financial year  Add: Block Grant received during the year          Others      d  e  v  i  e  c  e  r     e  m  o  c  n  i     t  s  e  r  e  t  n  I         Other income   y     e  h  t     g  n  i  r  u  d     e  r  u  t  i  d  n  e  p  x  E        s  t  c  e  j  o  r


                       18.                                 :  s  s  e  L                                                  The         19.
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109