Page 101 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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were         837,501   120,000   (436)   119,564   957,065   recipients,   93,965   97,300   (80,508)   16,792   110,757
                             The Hong Kong Volunteer Award was to recognise outstanding volunteers’ contributions
                                Awards   2019   HK$                  2019      HK$

                                Kong.          957,065      550,000   (682,516)   (132,516)   824,549   award   HK$   110,757      53,500   (56,588)   (3,088)   107,669

                                Hong    2020   HK$           of  the   2020
                                in                                 experience
                                volunteerism  and achievements so as to raise public awareness of the value of volunteering, and to  presented  to  individuals,  volunteer  groups  and  business  corporations  selected  by  the   and  provides a platform for exchange and spreading the spirit of the volunteerism in support of

                                sustainable   of  Award Judging Panel biennially. Movements during the year were as follows:   strengths   the  pooling  the Agency’s initiatives. Movements during the year were as follows:   41

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020  Other designated services (Continued)   Hong Kong Volunteer Award   development   the  facilitate           Balance brought forward     Total income for the year  Total expenditure for the year  (Deficit)/surplus for the year  Balance carried forward  Hong Kong Volunteer Awardees Society     at   aims  Society   The      Balance brought forward   Total income f

                       17.      (c)                        (d)

                           projects with designated purposes. The services with material movements during the year or
                                    Sales proceeds of Elderly Charity Tickets are specifically used for provision of needed
                         Balances  of  government  grants  and  funds,  donations  and  sponsorships  were  for  service
                                         2019   HK$   155,192   34,228   (42,025)   (7,797)   147,395   2019   HK$   191,724   353,000   (331,242)   21,758   213,482

                                )              147,395    23,800    (20,897)    2,903    150,298    213,482   310,000   (302,764)   7,236   220,718
                                         2020   HK$                     2020   HK$

                                                               The Give a Day Get a Disney Day aimed at mobilising Hong Kong people to serve the  community for building a harmonious society. Volunteers who had performed service of  10 hours or more were eligible to apply for a complimentary 1-day ticket to Hong Kong  Disneyland via their service organisations. Movements during the year were as follows:                           40

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020  Other designated services (Continued)   balances as at 31 March 2020 were disclosed below:  Care for the Elderly Charity Ticket Campaign ( elderly service. Movements during the year were as follows:           Balance brought forward     Total income for the year  Total expenditure for the year  Surplus/(deficit) for the year  Balance carried forward   Give a Da

                       17.         (a)                       (b)
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106