Page 102 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 102

With the aim to provide training courses for staff, the SWDF3 of the SWD approved a
                               grant  of  HK$280,000  for  the  training  and  development  programmes  attended  by  staff
                                       -      304   -       to           1,160   -                 -
                                                       UNV-Hong Kong Universities Volunteer Internship Programme – Assignment & Training
                                  2019   HK$   280,000   280,304   280,304   volunteers   2019   HK$   2,919,438   (2,918,278)   (1,160)   2019   HK$   605,800   (608,800)   (3,000)   (3,000)
                                subvented by LSG of the SWD. Movements during the year were as follows:
                                              -   3                         2,936   -                       3,000   -
                         (g)    Social Welfare Development Fund Phase III (WGE Membership System)
                                  2020   HK$   280,304    (148,775)   (148,772)   131,532   undergraduate   2020   HK$   2,919,438   (2,916,502)   (2,936)    2020   HK$   (3,000)    1,361,915   (1,358,915)


                                                            programme  In collaboration with the United Nations Volunteers (the “UNV”) and funded by the Home   this  participate in volunteer assignments aboard. Movements during the year were as follows:   A grant of HK$7,080,000 was approved by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust  for the establishment of a new volunteer engagement system. The grant of donation was  reimbursed on actual claim of project expenditure.

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020  Other designated services (Continued)           Balance brought forward     Allocation from the SWDF3 for the year  Interest received during the year  Total expenditure for the year  (Deficit)/surplus for the year  Balance carried forward   “HAB”),   (the  Bureau   Affairs           Total income for the year  Total expenditure for the year   Surplus for the yea

                       17.                                (h)                     (i)

                             With the aim to enhance the capabilities of the FMS, the Social Welfare Development
                                grant of HK$620,000 for the replacement of the FMS subvented by the LSG of the SWD.
                               Fund Phase III (the “SWDF3”) of the Social Welfare Department (the “SWD”) approved a
                                            -      23   -                        260   -
                         Social Welfare Development Fund Phase III (Financial Management System, the “FMS”)
                                      2019   HK$   62,000   62,023   62,023   2019   HK$   146,106   65,000   (79,973)   (14,713)   131,393
                                                 6                               -   2    -

                                      2020   HK$   62,023    558,000   (110,185)   447,821   509,844   2020   HK$   131,393    (80,233)   (80,231)   (51,162)

                                                                   Social  Welfare  Development  Fund  Phase  III  (Training  and  Professional  Development  With the aim to provide training courses for board members and LSG subvented staff, the  SWDF3 of the SWD approved a grant of HK$232,600 for relevant usage. Movements                                    42

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020  Other designated services (Continued)   Movements during the year were as follows:           Balance brought forward     Allocation from the SWDF3 for the year  Interest received during the year  Total expenditure for the year   Surplus for the year  Balance carried forward   Programmes)   during the year were as follows:           Balance brought forward     A

                       17.      (e)                        (f)
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