Page 103 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 103

6 th  round of UNV-Hong Kong Universities Volunteer Internship Programme – Operation
                               enabled   2019   HK$   -   -   -   -   2019   HK$   -   -   -   -

                               programme         361,920   )   2  8  7  ,  360,138   360,138   )         354,000   )   7  7  1  ,  26,823   26,823

                               the       2020   HK$   1  (          2020   HK$   7  2  3  (
                               funded   and   UNV  undergraduate volunteers to participate in volunteer assignments aboard. Funding was  allocated to cover the operation cost incurred by the Agency and the fieldwork for the  undergraduate volunteers. The programme was deferred due to outbreak of COVID-19      r  a  e    An  allocation  of  HK$354,000  was  approved  by  the  Hong  Kong  Jockey  Club  Charities  Trust  to  provide  elderly  and  the  disadvantaged  with  a

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020  Other designated services (Continued)   cost and Fieldwork         the   with  collaboration   In   virus. Movements during the year were as follows:             Total income for the year   y     e  h  t     r  o  f     e  r  u  t  i  d  n  e  p  x  e     l  a  t  o  T  Surplus for the year  Balance carried forward  Fight Coronavirus Together Volunteer Care Act

                       17.      (m)                      (n)

                             Donation of HK$210,000 was approved by Leung Mui Foundation for visiting and serving
                               hidden elderly to meet their needs in improving home environment and social activity.
                                       -      98,750   98,750      -      95,125   95,125      -   -   -   -
                                  2019   HK$   100,000   (1,250)   2019   HK$   100,000   (4,875)   2019   HK$

                                              )   5                       )   7                 -
                                  2020   HK$   98,750    80,000   0  0  ,  4  4  (  35,995   134,745   2020   HK$   95,125    80,000   8  4  ,  4  6  (  15,513   110,638   2020   HK$   58,200   58,200   58,200

                                                       Walking with the Elderly in Community II Jan 2019 – Dec 2020     Donations of HK$194,000 were approved by Leung Mui Foundation for serving the elderly,  leading them to join more activities and be more out-going. Movements during the year      r  a       An allocation of HK$97,800 was approved by the SWD to make available Wi-Fi platforms  to the public and members of the WGE. Movements during the year were as follows:

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020  Other designated services (Continued)   V-Union II Jan 2019 – Dec 2020      Movements during the year were as follows:            Balance brought forward     Total income for the year   e  y     e  h  t     r  o  f     e  r  u  t  i  d  n  e  p  x  e     l  a  t  o  T  Surplus for the year  Balance carried forward     were as follows:           Balance brought

                       17.      (j)                  (k)                         (l)
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108