Page 74 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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         義務職員                                     Volunteer Staff

         本局的服務和運作,除了由受薪職員執                        Our volunteer staff was one of the major pillars of support to
         行外,還有賴一群義務職員的協助。                         AVS’ service and operation. Similar to our paid staff, volunteer
         義務職員以義務性質恆常參與本局                          staff had clearly defined responsibilities and were assigned
         工作,具有明確的職責,負責策劃和執                        to different service units within AVS to support programme
         行有關單位的服務。年內義務職員共                         planning and implementation. In the year, we had 70 volunteer
         70名,服務時數近17,000。其中29名為                   staff members who collectively contributed nearly 17,000 hours
         全職,每月服務8節(約32小時)或以上,                     of service. Among them, 29 worked full-time committing to at
                                                  least 8 sessions of services (about 32 hours) per month, while
         其餘41名為半職,每月服務4節(約16                      the rest were part-time working 4 sessions (about 16 hours) or
         小時)  或以上。藉著國際義工日,本局董                     more. In recognition of their contribution, the AVS Board took
         事會向過去一年為本局服務的義務職員                        the occasion of the International Volunteer Day (IVD) to present
                                                  certificates of appreciation to the volunteer staff who served in
                                                  the past year.

           長者服務助理                             Elderly Service Assistant

           陳柏樺先生                              Mr Chan Pak Wah, Billy
           鍾婉蓮女士                              Ms Chung Yuen Lin, Connie

           郭鈺梅女士                              Ms Kwok Yuk Mui
           黃淑芬女士                              Ms Wong Shuk Fun, Garman

           袁惠芳女士                              Ms Yuen Wai Fong

           財務及行政助理                            Finance & Administration Assistant

           林賽珠女士                              Ms Lam Choi Chu
           白勵瑩女士                              Ms Pak Lai Ying, Hilda

           籌募及推廣主任                            Fundraising & Promotion Officer

           陳柱光先生                              Mr Chan Chu Kwong, Mike
           馮漢威先生                              Mr Fung Hon Wai
           彭祖怡女士                              Ms Pang Cho Yi, Joey

           培訓助理                               Training Assistant

           徐偉斌先生                              Mr Chui Wai Bun, Ben
           郭良玉女士                              Ms Kwok Leung Yuk, Cecilia

           鄺寶鈴女士                              Ms Kwong Po Ling, Sandy

       70  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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