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         Volunteers and Service Users’ Tribute

         香港義工團                                    Hong Kong Community Volunteers (HKCV)

        『「大坑舞火龍」是中秋節期間的傳統                         “Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance, a traditional custom during the
         習俗,至今已有百多年歷史。今年是                         Mid-autumn Festival, has a history of over a hundred years. This
         我第一次參與大坑舞火龍活動,並擔任                        year was my first time taking part in the Tai Hang Fire Dragon
         義工組長,帶領12位組員肩負糾察                         Dance activities. I was a volunteer leader, leading a group of 12
         角色,維持當晚會場秩序。活動包括                         volunteers responsible for keeping the order on the grounds.
         起龍儀式、舞龍活動及龍鼓音樂等,                         The activities included Rise of the Dragon Ceremony, the
         再配以燈飾,場面相當壯觀。我十分                         Dragon Dance and Dragon Drum Music. Completed with
         高興及有幸能參與其中,深入了解這個                        decorative lighting, it was a spectacular scene. I was glad and
         列為國家級非物質文化遺產的傳統                          lucky to have taken part in the event and to be able to get
         活動,亦期待將來能夠再次參與,與                         a  deeper  understanding  of  this  traditional  activity  that  has
                                                  been listed in the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
                                                  I look forward to taking part in the event again in future and
                                                  celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival with my volunteer friends.”

                                   布鎮權先生                                                       Mr Allen Po
                          香港義工團青年會員                                                    HKCV youth member

         4C青年義工領袖計劃                               4C Youth Volunteer Leadership Project

        『參與4C計劃令我感到最大的進步是在                        “The biggest progress that I feel I have made after joining the
         承擔方面(Commitment)。從前我作為                   4C Project is in respect of Commitment.  When I was then a
         團員,未有在團隊中做好自己的責任,                        member,  I  had  not  discharged  my  responsibility  well  in  the
         總是在討論時不敢發言,畏首畏尾。                         team. During discussions, I tended to be overcautious and
         今年,我成為了領袖,比起一個團員,                        afraid of speaking up. I am a leader this year. Compared to a
         團長的角色需要承擔更大的責任,指導                        member, a leader has to bear greater responsibilities in guiding
         及分配組員工作。當團隊面對困難時,                        members and distributing work among them. When the team
         更要挺身而出,帶領團隊向前走。透過                        is in difficulty, a leader needs to come forward and lead it to
         4C,我學習到做領袖要有膊頭,願意                        move ahead. Through 4C, I have learnt that a leader needs to be
                                                  prepared to shoulder responsibilities and go the extra mile for
         為組員付出更多。我更要投入參與團隊                        members. I also take part in affairs of the team and listen to views
         事務,聆聽不同團員的意見,這是一個                        expressed by different members. This is a new break-through.
         新突破。4C計劃讓我學會要對社會有                        The 4C Project lets me learn that I should have commitment for
         承擔,承擔作為公民的責任,盡力貢獻                        society, be committed to a citizen’s responsibilities and make the
         社會。』                                     greatest effort to contribute to society.”

                                   許君銘同學                                                 Mr Hui Kwan Ming
                        基督教宣道會宣基中學                              A student of Christian and Missionary Alliance
                                                                                  Sun Kei Secondary School

       68  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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