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資助機構及捐款人士                               Sponsors and Donors

               本局對下列機構的撥款資助及鼎力支持,                      AVS wishes to express its sincere gratitude to the following
               謹致萬分感謝。                                 organizations, whose funding and support made our delivery of
                                                       quality programmes and services possible.

               • 民政事務局                                 • Home Affairs Bureau
               • 社會福利署                                 • Social Welfare Department
               • 香港公益金                                 • The Community Chest of Hong Kong
               • 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金
                                                       • The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

                We are grateful to all donors and sponsors for their support to AVS. Donors contributing HK$2,000 or more
                are listed below:

                 ASM Technology Hong Kong Ltd                    MMTS Asia Ltd
                 Building Services Operation and
                 Maintenance Executives Society                  New World Development Co Ltd
                 C.K. Shum & Co                                  NISI (HK) Ltd
                 China Youth Art and Speech Association          NWS Holdings Charities Foundation

                 China-Tech Group (Holdings) Ltd                 Orient Resources Co
                 Chrisly Cafe                                    Shanghai Commercial Bank

                 Construction Industry Council                   Sino Group
                 Crystal International Group Ltd                 Solutions Health Care Products & Services Ltd

                 David S.K. Au & Associates Ltd                  Swire Properties Ltd
                 Dr Michael Mui Dental Clinic Ltd                The Hong Kong Institute of Housing

                 Family Medical Practice Ltd                     The Hong Kong Jockey Club
                 Hang Yick Properties Management Ltd             The Law Society of Hong Kong

                 HOK International (Asia/Pacific) Ltd            Union Power HK CPA Ltd
                 Hong Kong Housing Society –                     Wai Wah Foundation (Lee Chee Wah)
                 Housing Society Community
                 Kingsmith Global Communications Ltd             Warmview Co Ltd

                 Leung Mui Charity Foundation                    Water House Group Ltd
                 Link Asset Management Ltd                       YF Life Insurance International Ltd
                 Loving Home Foundation                          Au Yiu Kai

                 Mega Rich Group Ltd                             Au Yuen Ling

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  73
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82