Page 73 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 73

「同心抗疫」                                    ‘Fight Coronavirus Together’

               義工服務                                     Volunteer Action

              『新冠肺炎雖然為各行各業帶來衝擊,                         “While coronavirus impacts all sectors of the economy,
                                                        love persists among the community. Many warmhearted
               但人間有愛,不少熱心人士發揮守望                         people exert the spirit of helping one another.  They buy
               相助、同舟共濟的精神,自資購買抗疫                        anti-coronavirus materials out of their own pockets and
               物資免費派發給有需要人士。而醫護人員                       distribute them free to those people in need, and medical
               更默默地堅守崗位為香港人把關。                          personnel silently discharge their duties to safeguard the people
               當義工局緊急招募義工協助包裝口罩及                        of Hong Kong.  To contribute my humble efforts, when AVS
                                                        urgently recruited volunteers to help pack masks and other
               防疫物資,送給有需要的人士及機構時,                       anti-coronavirus materials for distribution to needy people and
               我為盡點綿力,便在工餘安排時間幫忙。                       organizations, I found time after work to offer help.  With the
               在一眾義工合力下,接近10萬個口罩及                       concerted efforts of all volunteers, packing of close to 100,000
               2萬個防疫包的包裝工作高效完成。有幸                       masks and 20,000 anti-coronavirus packs was completed
               能夠參與其中,及時行義,在逆境中希望                       with high efficiency. I feel honoured to have taken part in this
                                                        volunteer work and hope to disseminate love and care far and
               把愛及關懷傳遞開去!』                              wide during this time of adversity.”

                                         梁淑芬女士                                                 Ms Barbara Leung
                       香港義工團–義工組長隊隊員                                       HKCV - Volunteer Leaders Team member

              『當我收到由AVS義工服務中心送贈的                        “When I received the anti-coronavirus pack from the AVS
               防疫包時,我感到十分驚喜。因疫情                         Volunteer Action Centre, I was pleasantly surprised. Owing
               關係,我甚少外出,即使是一些恆常的                        to COVID-19, I rarely go out. I have been unable to take part
                                                        in the regular activities, like volunteer services at the elderly
               活動,如到長者中心做義工服務,我亦                        centre. To perpetuate the spirit of volunteerism, I shall share the
               無法參與。為延續行義精神,我會將                         anti-coronavirus pack given by the Centre with needy people
               中心送贈的防疫包與身邊有需要的人士                        around me, so that more people will benefit.”
                                             羅女士                                                         Ms Law
                                香港義工團高齡會員                                                    HKCV elder member

              『在疫症爆發初期,防疫物資非常短                          “At the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, anti-coronavirus
               缺,我參加了中心與「義醫同行」醫護                        materials were in serious shortage. I joined the caring
               義工合作的關懷長者行動日。中心特                         elderly activity that was co-organized by the Centre and
                                                        Capering Holistic Medical Alliance volunteer medical workers.
               別安排熟悉區內大街小巷的資深義工                         The Centre specially arranged experienced volunteers and
               和職員擔任領路員,陪同醫護義工                          staff who knew the roads  and streets  of the area  well to be
               一同到戶探訪長者,送上防疫物資,                         guides. We accompanied the medical volunteers and jointly
               傳授防疫知識,並了解長者的身心                          visited the elderly at their homes. We delivered anti-coronavirus
               狀況。3 0 多位義工在西區街頭上山                       materials, passed on anti-coronavirus knowledge and
                                                        ascertained the physical and mental conditions of
               落斜,5小時之內走訪約180名老友記,                      the  elderly people. Over 30 volunteers climbed up and
               令我深切體會到「團結」的力量。大家                        down the slopes in Western. We visited about 180 elderly
               目標一致,那怕過程有點急趕,身體                         friends in 5 hours. It makes me feel that “unity” is power.
               有點疲累,只要見到老友記燦爛的                          With  a shared  goal, even with  a tight  schedule and  a  bit
                                                        of tiredness, it gave me a lot of satisfaction just seeing the
               笑容和安心的表情,我便感到很大的                         elderly friends’ broad smiles and peaceful expressions.”

                                        郭鈺梅女士                                                   Ms Kwok Yuk Mui
                              西園長者中心義務職員                                         Volunteer staff of Western Garden
                                                                                    Neighbourhood Elderly Centre

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  69
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