Page 96 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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Total   HK$   4,742,900   2,320,300   924,784   1,694,729   9,682,713            was   of   Total   HK$   100,692   34,136   290,564   15,561   440,953
                                       -                         decision              -   -   -   -   -
                                 -   -   -   -                2020
                           Allocated   projects   HK$                           Allocated   projects   HK$
                         2019         2,500      -        286,474   (37,849)     248,625     March   7   the   to   2019      327   -   -   -   327
                           Designated   projects   HK$   605,800   1,484,469   2,092,769   HK$   on   prior   Designated   projects   HK$

                                                              activity                   34,136   15,561
                           Recurrent   programmes   HK$   4,740,400   1,714,500   924,784   210,260   7,589,944   incurred   Recurrent   programmes   HK$   100,365   290,564   440,626

                               Total     Allocated   projects   HK$   HK$         4,882,700   -    3,430,415   -    1,247,115      -      1,428,487   -    10,988,717   -    Due  to  the  outbreak  of  COVID-19  and  in  line  with  the  policies  on  social  distancing  and   flag-selling  outdoor   the  cancelled.   Notwithstanding the cancellation of the outdoor flag selling, certain expenditure   been   had  recruitment,  The net proceeds of HK$248,625 from the Flag Da

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020  Allocations, donations and fundraising income   2020        Designated     Recurrent   projects  programmes   HK$   HK$            Community   -   4,882,700       Kong   Hong   Club     1,715,915   1,714,500   Charities Trust      -     1,247,115      income (note a)   1,219,123   209,364   donation income    2,935,038   8,053,679       Fund raising income 2020

                       6.               The   Chest   The   Jockey   Fund raising   Sponsorship/      Note a:         Income      for      7.               Interest income   Membership   Administration   Sundry income

                                       including  significant  changes  in  external  market  indicators  which  involved  significant
                                     the probability of default of the instruments and incorporated forward looking information,
                                    The Agency has used relevant historical information and loss experience to determine
                             ECLs are unbiased probability-weighted estimates of credit losses which are determined
                               by evaluating a range of possible outcomes and taking into account past events, current
                                                   Total   HK$   10,000,000   3,089,438   5,646,358   407,260   71,000   -      170,000   59,040   19,443,096  Garden

                                                           -      -    407,260   -   -      170,000   59,040
                                                   Designated   projects   HK$   3,089,438   3,725,738
                                                   2019                                          the

                                                             -         -       -      -   -
                                                   Recurrent   programmes   HK$   10,000,000   5,646,358   71,000   15,717,358   operation

                                                      2020        Total     Designated   projects   HK$   HK$                  11,039,782      -   3,281,358     3,281,358                     6,546,273      -     558,006     558,006      95,000      -     156,374     156,374               -      -   -      -   21,676,793    3,995,738  The  subvention  for  recurrent  programmes  was  for  the  operation  of  the  Agency  and   the   for   was  “LSG”)   30

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020     Critical accounting estimates and judgements (Continued)     Expected credit losses (ECL) on receivables   conditions and assessment of future economic conditions.      estimates and judgements.  Government subventions and funds           Recurrent   programmes   HK$                       11,039,782         -              Social Welfare Department

                      4.   (b)                5.                 Home Affairs Bureau   - Subvention (note a)   - Other grants and funds      - Lump sum grant (note b)   Fund   (note 17)   - Furniture and Equipment   Works Block Grant     (note 18)   - Other grants and funds     Commission on Poverty     Others         Notes:   (a)      (b)
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