Page 98 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 98

The carrying amounts of the Agency’s right-of-use assets and the movements during the
                                                         The carrying amounts of the lease liabilities and the movements during the year are as
                                     Buildings   HK$         0  3  3  ,  3  9  7  1,434,754      )  9  2  5  ,  1  9        5  5  5  ,  6  3  6  HK$         0  3  3  ,  3  9  7  1,434,754      6  3  0  ,  5  7  (1,405,561)         9  5  5  ,  7  9  8     )  9  0  1  ,  7  6        0  5  4  ,  0  3  2  2020   HK$      1,591,529   75,036   167,193   2,561   1,836,319
                                                                                   (b) Amounts recognised in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
                                              (  5  ,  1  ,  2   ,  2     ,  2  6  ,  1  (  ,  1


           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020  11.   Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities    (a)   Amounts recognised in the statement of financial position   Right-of-use assets        year are as follows:                    9  1  0  2     l  i  r  p  A     1     t  A  Additions      r  a  e  y     e  h  t     r  o  f     n  o  i  t  a  i  c  e  r  p  e  D        0  2  0  2     h  c  r  a  M     1  3

                            Total   HK$   7,647,026   134,474   (122,598)     7,658,902   6,372,084   68,674   (16,098)     6,424,660   1,209,949   46,781   (102,950)   1,153,780   80,462

                                       -      -      -      -      -      -      -
                          Leasehold   improvements   HK$   4,990,389   4,990,389   4,795,054   4,795,054   195,335   195,335

                          Furniture and   equipment   HK$   1,251,797   45,556   (122,418)     1,174,935   622,001   45,556   (15,918)     651,639   591,355   23,725   (102,950)   512,130   11,166

                                 Computers   HK$            1,404,840        88,918         (180)    1,493,578            955,029           23,118      (180)        977,967         423,259           23,056      -      446,315              69,296         34

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020  Property, plant and equipment (Continued)   At 1 April 2018   Written off   At 31 March 2019  Less: Government grant related assets   At 1 April 2018  Transfer to Government grant   related assets   Written off   At 31 March 2019   Less: Accumulated depreciation   At 1 April 2018   Charge for the year   Written off   At 31 March 2019   Net book value   At 31 Ma

                       10.            Cost   Additions
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103