Page 97 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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16,367,903   718,005   35,900   753,905   17,121,808   Total   HK$   7,658,902   821,163   (127,247)   8,352,818   6,424,660   777,274   (59,712)   7,142,222   1,153,780   35,907   (67,535)   1,122,152   88,444
                         2019   HK$

                                                            -   -         -   -        -   -     -
                               9                                                     195,335   195,335
                               3  ,  0  1,033,974   51,604   1,085,578   Leasehold   improvements   HK$   4,990,389   4,990,389   4,795,054   4,795,054
                         2020   HK$   5  1  ,  18,235,975
                               1  7

                                                   Furniture and   equipment   HK$   1,174,935   122,543   (71,607)   1,225,871   651,639   99,293   (13,832)   737,100   512,130   3,799   (57,775)   458,154   30,617

                                                          Computers   HK$            1,493,578      698,620      (55,640)     2,136,558         977,967         677,981   (45,880)     1,610,068         446,315         32,108   (9,760)      468,663            57,827         33

           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020   Employee benefit expenses      )  8     e  t  o  n  (     s  t  n  e  m  u  l  o  m  e     l  a  n  o Other emoluments included in Service and programme   expenses:       Salaries       Provident fund   Property, plant and equipment   At 1 April 2019   Written off   At 31 March 2020  Less: Government grant related assets   At 1 April 2019  Transfer to Governme

                       9.      s  r  e  P       10.               Cost   Additions

                                15,185,525   1,054,347   128,031   16,367,903   1,743,838   73,262   143,821   1,960,921   50,000   198,198      46,781   -   456,017   93,153   118,845   230,986   67,065   186,740   168,950   3,550   1,620,285      194,954      8,372,702         -      (377,510)   28,139,255
                            Total   HK$

                                        -           -                                     -
                                -   -   -                                                                -                                                                     -       -     -                 -                   -                   -                                                         -     -     -
                          Allocated   projects   HK$                   -                      -                      -                      -                      -                      -                      -                      -                      -                  -
                         2019      -   -   -   -          -       -          -            -     -        -          -          -          -                              -          -
                          Designated   projects   HK$                -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -       5,200,730     5,200,730

                                                                 46,781     -          3,550                         -          -
                          Recurrent   programmes   HK$   15,185,525   1,054,347   128,031   16,367,903   1,743,838   73,262   143,821   1,960,921   50,000   198,198   456,017   93,153   118,845   230,986   67,065   186,740   168,950   1,620,285   194,954     3,171,972     23,316,035

                            Total   HK$   15,915,437   1,108,148   126,812   17,150,397   169,754   80,048   158,915   408,717   59,000   126,229   35,907   1,591,529   568,925   109,210   106,048   215,725   58,058   196,975   168,107   3,235,713   217,041   10,115,104   75,036   (306,323)   30,895,685   32

                                HK$      -   -   -   -   -   -                                                    -       -                   -          -                       -                      -                                                       -       -                   -          -                       -                -     -     -     -                 -          -                       -                      -                  -          -
           AGENCY FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020   Expenditure   Designated  Recurrent   projects  programmes   HK$   HK$            15,915,437      1,108,148      126,812   17,150,397                  169,754                   -      80,048                   -      158,915      408,717                  59,000                   -      126,229                     35,907        1,591,529      568,925

                       8.        Personal emoluments   Provident fund   employee    for   benefit obligations   Rent, rates and      management Fee   Management fee   Administration expenses   Agency’s affairs   Depreciation  -Property, plant and   equipment   -Right-of-use assets   General office expenses   Repairs and maintenance  Staff development and   Staff recruitment   Volunteer staff support   Loss on disposal of   property, plant and   equipment   Expenses for fu
                                         Salaries   Provision      Rent   Rates      Audit fee   Insurance   welfare   Utilities
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102