Page 61 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 61

義務職員嘉許及管理                                Recognition and Management of

               義務職員是本局寶貴的資產!為感謝                         Volunteer Staff
               義務職員的支持,並提升團隊精神及對                        Volunteer Staff is our valuable asset! To express our appreciation
               本局的歸屬感,本局對義務職員提供                         for their service and to build stronger team spirit and sense
               嘉許、培訓、福利及所需支援(義務職                        of belonging, recognition, training, welfare and support were
               員名單列於第69頁)。為進一步完善義務                      provided to them (The volunteer staff list is on page 69).
               職員管理系統,本局於年內檢討義務                         To more effectively manage volunteer staff, we have also
               職員服務細則,並全面編訂《義務職員                        reviewed their service guidelines and compiled the Volunteer
               手冊》。                                     Staff Handbook in the year.

               職員福利、培訓及活動                               Staff Welfare, Development and

               本局鼓勵職員和義務職員持續專業發                         Activities
               展,除了推薦他/她們參加相關的課程                        AVS encourages continuous professional development by
               和研討會,更提供資助,讓其充實自己,                       providing financial support to staff and volunteer staff to
               不斷增值。此外,為增長工作知識及                         undergo job-related training programmes and seminars.
               提升溝通能力,年內邀請專家講者為                         To enhance staff members’ professional knowledge and
               職員和義務職員提供培訓,包括邀請                         communication skills, during the year, workshops on ‘Intellectual
               本局副主席彭韻僖律師, BBS, MH, JP                  Property and Copyright Ordinance’ by Ms Melissa Pang, BBS,
               主講「知識產權知多些」、個人資料私隱                       MH, JP, AVS Vice-Chairman, ‘Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance’
               專員公署人員主講「《個人資料(私隱)                       by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner  for  Personal  Data
               條例》工作坊」、科技公司 Liv Tech 和                  and ‘Innovations for Community Betterment’ by speakers from
               NEC的人員主持「美好社區『義創作』                       Liv Tech Co Ltd and NEC Hong Kong Ltd, and communication skills
               工作坊」,以及黃潔盈博士主講「萬用職                       by Dr Carol Wong were organized.
                                                        The AVS Staff Club, subsidized by the Agency, organized the
               聯誼活動方面,本局年內資助職員會舉行                       online Christmas Fun Party to promote the team spirit of staff
               線上聖誕聯歡會,促進團隊精神和加強                        and to reinforce their sense of belonging to the Agency.

                     本局董事羅汝衡博士(左一)和總幹事鍾媛梵女士(中)致送紀念品予科技公司Liv Tech和NEC的代表
                     Dr Anne Loh, AVS Board member (1  from left) and Ms Flora Chung, Chief Executive Officer (middle)
                     presented souvenirs to speakers from Liv Tech Co Ltd and NEC Hong Kong Ltd

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