Page 57 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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Corporate Affairs
系統發展及 System Development and
資訊科技提升計劃 IT Upgrading Project
運用數碼科技提升運作效能是本局重點 The application of digital technology to enhance operational
策略之一,得到香港賽馬會慈善信託 efficiency has been our strategic focus. Funded by The
基 金的資助,一套更全面的義工網絡 Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, a comprehensive
系統「行義香港」已分階段推出。此外, volunteer engagement system – ‘Volunteer Hongkong’ was
本局亦獲社會福利發展基金撥款,成功 launched in phases. In addition, with the support from the
提升機構財務管理系統及西園長者中心 Social Welfare Development Fund, we have upgraded the
會員系統。 financial management system and enhanced the membership
management system of the Western Garden Neighbourhood
為配合服務發展及運作系統的需求, Elderly Centre.
計劃」也順利完成。年內,除了增置視訊 To meet the service development and operation needs, the
會議系統及遠端辦公設施,以應對疫情 Work Efficiency and Network Security Upgrading Project was
帶來的挑戰,全新設計的機構網頁亦 completed in the year. Amidst the pandemic, video conferencing
system and remote working arrangement were adopted. The
Agency’s web site was also revamped in the year.
2020會員大會 Annual General Meeting 2020
本局2020周年會員大會順利於11月3日 The Annual General Meeting 2020 was held on 3 November to
舉行,報告機構過去一年的工作成果 report on the Agency’s work achievements and financial status
及財務狀況,並選出2020-2021年度新 of the past year and to elect the Board of Directors for 2020-2021.
Board of Directors for 2020-2021
2020-2021 服務年報 Annual Service Report 53