Page 56 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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聯合國志願人員組織 –                              UNV    —   Hong Kong Universities

         香港大學生義工實習計劃                              Volunteer Internship Programme
         本局自1998年開始成為聯合國志願人員                      As a cooperating organization of the United Nations Volunteers
         組織的香港合作夥伴,攜手協助推廣                         (UNV) in Hong Kong, AVS has been assisting with the promotion
         聯合國義工服務。2015年在民政事務                       of the UNV Programme since 1998. In partnership with UNV
         局的資助下,本局與該組織合作,聯同                        and with funding from the Home Affairs Bureau and support
         香港志願者協會及和平發展基金會推出                        from the Hong Kong Volunteers Association and the Peace and
        「聯合國志願人員組織 — 香港大學生義                       Development Foundation, AVS launched the Programme in
         工實習計劃」,安排本地大學生到海外                        2015. Undergraduates from local universities were selected and
         聯合國屬下單位進行為期6個月的義工                        sent to the field units of the United Nations (UN) agencies for
         服務。                                      a 6-month volunteering assignment.

                                                  The Programme contributes to global peace and development
         獲選大學生藉著參與該計劃,提升自身                        while enabling the undergraduates to develop their personal
         能力及透過各地生活和文化的體驗,                         capacities and broaden their horizon through the multi-cultural
         擴闊視野,並為世界和平及發展作出                         experience. In the past 5 rounds, in total 68 undergraduates have
         貢獻。過去5屆共有68位大學生參與,                       participated in the Programme and worked in offices in different
         分別派往中亞及東南亞國家進行義工                         Central and Southeast Asian countries. Due to the pandemic, the
         服務,因疫情關係,第6屆計劃需延期                        6  round of assignment was postponed until further notice.

          聯合國義工–香港大學生                             UNV    —   Hong Kong Universities

          義工計劃舊生會                                 Volunteers Alumni Society
          聯合國義工 – 香港大學生義工計劃舊                      Acting as a knowledge-sharing platform in support of the
          生會於2017年12月成立,由完成「聯合                    development of volunteerism and the United Nations’ values
          國志願人員組織–香港大學生義工實習                       of peace and development, the UNV-Hong Kong Universities
          計劃」服務的義工組成,致力提供一個                       Volunteers Alumni Society was established in December 2017
          知識共享及聯繫網絡,協助推動義務                        by volunteers who have completed the UNV - Hong Kong
          工作及推廣聯合國和平發展的價值。                        Universities  Volunteer  Internship Programme.  In  the  year, the
          年內,舊生會執行委員會組隊參與本局                       Executive  Committee  of  the  Alumni  Society  took  part  in  the
          50周年亮點慶祝活動「同心共建義工林」                     ‘Together • We Plant’ Volunteer Greening Day, one of the highlight
          綠色行義日,為建設美好家園一同出力。                      events in celebration of the 50  anniversary of AVS.

                                                                                      The Executive Committee of
                                                                                      the Alumni Society
                                                                                      (Members list is on page 17)

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