Page 70 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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Volunteers and Service Users’ Tribute
香港義工團 Hong Kong Community Volunteers (HKCV)
『疫情下連義工也「失業」的日子中, “During the pandemic when even volunteers became
很感恩能參與香港長者協會的電話關懷 ‘unemployed’, I was grateful to be able to support Hong Kong
服務,協助聯絡長者、更新會員資料、 Association of Senior Citizens with their telephonic care service,
執拾倉庫及家訪派米。我非常珍惜每一次 helping to contact the elderly, updating membership records,
服務機會,特別是自己正職是在大公司的 tidying up the warehouse and conducting home visits to give
「熱廚房」工作,來到這個寧靜簡單的 out rice. I have treasured dearly every service opportunity,
環境令我感到很舒適自在,可以減輕 especially because in my regular job I work in the ‘hot kitchen’
生活上和疫症帶來的壓力,幸福原來 of a large company. When I was in the quiet and unsophisticated
很簡單。』 environment of my volunteer work, I felt comfortable and calm.
It alleviated the stress of life and the pandemic. Happiness can
be simple.”
李耀陞先生 Mr Lee Yiu Sing
香港義工團會員 HKCV member
4C青年義工領袖計劃 4C Youth Volunteer Leadership Project
『疫情影響了我們的生活,也影響了義工 “The pandemic affected not only our lives but also volunteer
服務,今年參與「4C青年義工領袖計劃」 work. My participation in the 4C Youth Volunteer Leadership
給予我很大的啟發和得著。啟發是「克服 Project enlightened and benefited me immensely. Enlightenment
困難、與時並進」。沒有實體的學生 was ‘overcoming difficulties and advancing with time’. When
培訓和服務,一切都要改為網上進行, face-to-face student trainings and services were no longer
電腦技術不精的我真的感到有點憂慮, possible, everything had to be done online. Weak in computer
只怕不能發揮到導師的作用,最後還是 skills, I was somewhat worried. I was concerned that I could not
硬著頭皮嘗試學習,利用網上會議程式 perform effectively as a leader. At last I had no choice but to try
(如Zoom)和學生開會和溝通,完全突破 to learn online applications for meetings such as Zoom to
我的心理關口,成功解決困難。得著的 organize meetings and communicate with the students. It
是「放低身段、愉快交流」。年青人的 was a complete psychological breakthrough for me and I had
successfully solved my problem. Benefit was ‘being humble and
世界是單純的,也正是我喜愛與他們 exchanging happily’. Young people’s world is simple, and this
溝通的原動力,自己年紀雖大,但多 made me enjoy communicating with them. I was older but I
嘗試從他們的角度出發去想他們所想、 would try to think the way they thought and act the way they
去做他們所做,多聆聽他們的說話, acted. Listening more to what they said helped me understand
就會對他們瞭解多一些。看到學生 them more. I felt really satisfied as I know that the students have
透過4C計劃的培訓、服務和體驗而有所 benefited through the 4C training, services and experience.”
黃慕娟女士 Ms Felicia Wong
4C義務團隊導師 4C Volunteer Mentor
66 2020-2021 服務年報 Annual Service Report