Page 71 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 71

「同心抗疫」                                    ‘Fight Coronavirus Together’

               義工服務                                     Volunteer Action

              『今次參與「18區快閃義工服務」為前線                       “This time I took part in the ‘Flash Mob Volunteer Service in
               清潔工友送上防疫包和簡單慰問,深刻體驗                      18 Districts‘, giving out anti-pandemic packs to front-line
               到他們的工作殊不容易。清潔工友在防疫                       cleaning workers and conveying our care to them through
               物資有限的情況下,長時間在垃圾站、                        simple words. I came to appreciate deeply that their work was
               公廁工作,往往整天只用一個口罩和一對                       never easy. Inadequately protected, they worked long hours in
               手套。希望藉著參與「快閃」活動,略盡                       refuse collection points and public toilets. Very often they had
               綿力,解決燃眉之急。非常感謝清潔工友                       to use only one face mask and one pair of gloves for the whole
               在這困難時刻繼續服務社會。大家繼續                        day. I hoped that through taking part in this activity, I could
               加油,齊心抗疫。』                                lend a helping hand to alleviate their imminent need. I am
                                                        very grateful to the cleaning workers for their services during
                                                        this difficult period. Let’s keep our spirit up in our fight against
                                                        the pandemic.”

                                         林倍司小姐                                                  Miss Lam Pui See
                                         快閃義工隊                                         Flash Mob Volunteers Team

              『疫情期間多次參與AVS西園長者中心                        “Amidst the pandemic, I took part many times in the volunteer
               的義工活動,包括上門探訪派發物資、                        activities of AVS Western Garden Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
               中西醫身心健康抗疫講座和長者本地遊                        (WGE), including home visits to distribute materials, talks on
               等。首先,我看到社會中,人與人彼此                        Chinese and Western medicines for physical, mental health and
               守望的美好,許多有心人主動捐贈物資                        anti-virus purposes, and local tours for the elderly. It also gave
               給有需要的人。我正好可以藉此機會將                        me a good opportunity to donate some materials to the Centre.
               部份物資轉贈給西園長者中心。此外,                        Moreover, I felt deeply the love of WGE’s social workers and
               我深深感受到西園長者中心的社工和                         volunteers. During the pandemic, many organizations refused
               義工們的愛心。疫情下,許多機構                          to accept in-kind donations, and even cancelled services that
               拒絕接收捐贈物資,甚至取消所有需要                        required face-to-face interactions. Yet, for the need and benefit
              「面見」的服務。但是,為了長者的需要                        of the elderly, WGE’s social workers tried their best to provide
                                                        various  services,  where  circumstances  permitted.  It  allowed
               及利益,西園的社工在許可的情況下,                        care and love to spread, breaking the barriers created by the
               盡力安排各種服務,讓關愛可以打破                         pandemic. Many things should not be taken for granted, such
               疫情造成的隔膜,傳遞開去。很多看似                        as sitting in leisure in the Centre or giving out a gift to an elderly.
               理所當然、垂手可達的事情,例如長者到                       It turned out that there was no certainty that these could be
               中心閒坐、送一份禮物給長者,原來都不是                      done. The pandemic not only let me understand the elderly
               必然可做的。這疫情不但讓我看見長者對                       people’s desire to be in touch with the outside world, but also
               接觸外界的渴望,也令我更珍惜做義工的                       made me treasure my volunteering opportunity.”

                                        林家揚醫師                          Dr Eason Lam, Chinese Medicine Practitioner
                       「第6屆香港傑出義工獎」得主                                            6  Hong Kong Volunteer Awardee

                                                                               2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report  67
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