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香港義工團 – 團體會員統計
          Statistics on Hong Kong Community Volunteers —
          Corporate Members

           團體會員類別                                                團體數目                    義工人數
           Nature of Corporate Members                       No. of Corporates       No. of Volunteers

           商界機構                Business Corporations                 74                    17,115

           社會服務 /              Social Service /                      51                    42,898
           非牟利團體               Non-profit Organizations

           教育團體                Educational Institutions              35                    16,525

           政府 /公營機構            Government /                          9                     26,502
                               Public Service Organizations

           康體及文化機構             Recreational & Cultural               9                      569
           宗教團體                Religious Organizations               4                      190

           醫療團體                Medical Institutions                  3                     1,610

                                              總數 Total              185                   105,409

          Volunteer Referral Service

          登記機構服務類別 Service Nature of Registered Organizations

       64  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73