Page 63 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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職員福利、培訓及活動                               Staff Welfare, Development and

               本局鼓勵職員及義務職員持續專業發展,                       Activities
               除了推薦他們參加相關的課程和研討會,                       AVS encourages continuous professional development by
               更提供資助,讓他們充實自己,不斷                         providing financial support to staff and volunteer staff to
               增值。年內,機構資助5名職員及1名義                       undergo job-related training programmes and workshops.
               務職員出席在泰國曼谷舉行之第16屆國                       In the year, AVS subsidized 5 staff and a volunteer staff to attend
               際義工協會亞太區義工會議暨青年會議,                       the 16  International Association for  Volunteer Effort (IAVE)
               另資助1名經理及兩名主任分別到內地                        Asia-Pacific Regional  Volunteer Conference and  Youth
               四川及廈門進行交流考察,並資助1名                        Conference in Bangkok Thailand, and a manager and 2 officers
               助理級職員修讀為期3年的社會工作高級                       to join the exchange tours to Sichuan and Xiamen in the
               文憑兼讀課程。                                  Mainland respectively. Further, sponsorship was provided to
                                                        an assistant staff to study a 3-year part-time course of Higher
               此外,為提升職員及義務職員溝通能力及                       Diploma in Social Work.
               (香港)有限公司首席培訓師余惠芳女士                       To enhance staff members’ communication and stress
               及香港心理衞生會教育主任區敏怡女士,                       management skills, Ms Cindy  Yu, Principal  Trainer of Legend
               分別主講「透過個人風格提升溝通技巧」                       Strategic  Consultancy  (HK)  Ltd  and  Ms  Ivy  Au,  Education
               及「壓力管理工作坊」。                              Officer of Mental Health Association of Hong Kong were
                                                        invited  to  conduct  workshops  on  the  topics  of  ‘Mastering
               聯誼活動方面,本局年內資助職員會舉行                       Your Communication Skills through Social Style’ and ‘Stress
               周年大會暨晚會及聖誕聯歡會,促進團隊                       Management’ respectively.
                                                        The AVS Staff Club, subsidized by the Agency to provide staff with
                                                        social and recreational activities, organized its Annual General
                                                        Meeting cum Dinner and Christmas Party to promote the team
                                                        spirit and to reinforce their sense of belonging to the Agency.

               Staff Club Annual General Meeting cum Dinner

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  59
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