Page 64 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 64

          Staff and Volunteer Staff Training and Development

           培訓類別                             課程數目               參加者數目                    培訓時數
           Types of Training              No. of Courses    No. of Participants    No. of Training Hours

           義務工作理念和管理                             3                  22                     133
           Volunteer Service Management

           企業管治                                 10                  14                      37
           Corporate Governance
           Finance&Quality Management            7                   9                      24
           領導才能 /溝通和團隊合作
           Leadership / Communication &          3                 125                     474
           Team Building
           資訊科技                                  9                  10                      40
           Information Technology
           Job Knowledge & Skills               22                 126                     494

           本地研討 /分享會                             7                  19                      54
           Local Seminar / Sharing

           境外研討 /交流
           International & Regional              3                   9                     222
           Conference / Exchange

           合計 Total                             64                 334                    1,478

          義務工作發展局                                 AVS Familiarization Visit
          服務中心參訪活動                                A familiarization visit to different service units was arranged on
                                                  16 July 2019 to allow AVS new Board and Committee members,
          為使新任董事、委員,以及合作機構及                       partners and donors to have a better understanding on the
          捐助者對本局服務運作有更深認識,本局                      service operation of the Agency.

                                                                                              The visiting group

       60  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69