Page 5 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 5


               Chairman’s Review

               2020年初,新型冠狀病毒肆虐全球,香港                     In 2020, the world came under siege of the coronavirus, and
               也不能倖免,市民生活大受影響,各行                        Hong Kong was no exception. As the impact of the pandemic

               各業,以至整個社會均受著前所未有的                        infiltrated every aspect of people’s lives and businesses, many of
               衝擊。這場經年的疫症,使到本局多項                        our regular services have been gravely affected. Yet, in the face
               服務無可避免地延後或取消。在這艱難                        of the unprecedented challenge, our volunteers were  not
                                                        daunted and still held firm to our service mission and belief.
               時刻,義工們仍然秉持信念,堅守使命,                       Through active participation in a variety of services to fight the
               籌組連串抗疫義工服務,於疫境下發揮                        health crisis, volunteers continued to support those in need,
               守望相助的精神,為有需要人士提供                         spreading love and positive energy in the community.
                                                        In response to the call of the HKSAR Government, we appealed

               響應香港特區政府的號召,本局呼籲                         for volunteers’ support on the ‘Fight Coronavirus Together’
               義工參與,支援政府「同心抗疫」服務,                       campaign, gathering efforts across the territory to provide
               為紓緩疫情出一分力。在口罩極度短缺                        relief to the stressful pandemic situation. At the time when
                                                        the supply of face masks was in serious shortage, we have
               時期,我們獲得慈善基金、企業及市民                        secured funding and donation from charity trusts, corporate
               的捐助,透過近160間非牟利機構及義工                      donors and the general public. Through the support of some
               團體,動員3,000位義工把防疫包送贈予                     160 non-profit making organizations and volunteer bodies, we
               25,000位人士、前線醫護人員等手上。                     mobilized 3,000 volunteers to deliver protective equipment
               同時,採取「快閃義工隊」的形式,派出                       to the underprivileged and frontline medical personnel,

               義工組長帶領義工到全港18區,向前線                       benefitting in total 25,000 recipients. At the same time, teams of
               清潔工友及保安人員派送防疫包,並                         volunteers and their leaders were dispatched to all 18 districts
                                                        in  Hong Kong  to  take flash  caring  actions,  bringing anti-virus
               表達關懷。此外,本局鼓勵市民在家                         packages to the often inadequately protected cleaning workers
               行義,透過電話或短訊等各種方式,                         and security guards. In addition, we encouraged volunteers to
               慰問、關心及幫助身邊有需要人士,特別                       take action from home through telephone calls and messages
               是高齡、獨居的體弱長者及長期病患                         to express care and concern to those around them, especially
               人士,讓他/她們感受人間温暖。                          elderly people living alone and patients with chronic illness.
                                                        These service actions made them feel the warmth of love.

               防疫指引,並運用線上資源,包括雲端                        Under the  pandemic, we  endeavoured  to safeguard the
                                                        volunteers’ wellbeing by setting out health and safety
               視訊會議技術、網上影片分享平台及另類                       guidelines.  Service  information was shared via digital means.
               實境遊戲等創新手法分享服務資訊,成果                       Video conferencing technology, online photo-sharing platform
               實在令人鼓舞!                                  and alternate reality games were some of the creative ways we
                                                        adopted to engage volunteers, bringing about very positive and
                                                        encouraging outcomes.

                                                                               2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report  1
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