Page 6 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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「行義香港」是本局開發的全新義工管理                        ‘Volunteer Hongkong’ is a brand new internet system AVS
         網絡系統。經過數年的努力,系統的                         developed to manage volunteers. After several years of hard
         首階段於2021年初成功推出,為個人                       work, the first phase of the system was successfully rolled out
         義工會員提供一站式的義工登記、活動及                       in early 2021, providing a one-stop solution for volunteer
                                                  registration, service and training enrolment, as well as award and
         培訓報名、個人服務紀錄及資料管理等                        record management. The full launch of the system is expected
         功能。整個系統預計於2021年中完成,                      in mid-2021, which will then become accessible for all
         屆時將全面開放予團體義工會員及義工                        categories of Hong Kong Community Volunteers and Registered
         轉介服務登記機構使用,令義工的招募、                       Organizations of our Volunteer Referral Service, vastly enhancing

         配對和轉介達致更高效能。                             the overall effectiveness in volunteers recruitment, matching
                                                  and referral.

         2020年是本局成立50周年,首項亮點                                            th
         慶祝活動「同心共建義工林」綠色行義日                       Year 2020 marked the 50  Anniversary of AVS. The first highlight
                                                  event ‘Together • We Plant’ Volunteer Greening Day was
         於暑假期間舉行,邀得300多位各界義                       held during the summer months. Altogether more than 300
         工代表,一連四個周末,分批前往城門                        volunteers visited Shing Mun Country Park over four consecutive
         郊野公園種植本土原生品種樹木,認識                        weekends to plant trees of native species, meanwhile learning

         本地生態環境及其價值,藉此響應聯合國                       about the ecological environment and its value. The activity
         2030可持續發展目標,鼓勵市民關注                       echoed the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development
         氣候變化、愛護地球,積極參與綠化                         Goals of the United Nations, calling for action to combat climate
         義工服務。我們亦推出了本局的主題曲                        change through active participation in greening volunteer
                                                  service. As part of the celebration, our  theme  song  “Making
         《齊心創美夢》,很榮幸邀得「鋼琴王子」                      our Dreams Together” was also released. It was composed,
         陳雋騫先生等為我們創作,及知名歌唱                        arranged and produced by Mr Phoebus Chan, a famous
         家莫華倫先生主唱,透過激昂勵志的歌                        pianist, and performed by Mr Warren Mok, a world-renowned
         曲頌揚義務工作精神,鼓勵市民齊心建                        singer. Praising the spirit of volunteerism, this passionate and
         設關愛的社會。本局也特別製作「行義八                       inspirational song encourages people to come together to build

         達通卡」作為50周年紀念禮品,寓意義工                      a community with love and care. We also produced a special
         在行義路上四通八達,增強人與人之間                        souvenir item ‘Volunteer Octopus Card’ to commemorate our
         聯繫,傳遞關懷,為他人和社會創造                         golden jubilee. This souvenir carries a well-wishing implication
                                                  that volunteers will go extending their service in all directions,
         幸福快樂。                                    enhancing interpersonal connections, paying forward love and

                                                  kindness, and creating joy and happiness in the community.

       2  2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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