Page 7 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 7

年內,本局的服務受到疫情影響,大型                        During the year, our service was adversely affected by the
               活動未能如期舉行。為防止病毒傳播,                        pandemic and as a result a number of large-scale activities
               很多義工服務及活動需暫停或縮減                          could not be held. To prevent the spread of coronavirus, many
               規模,「香港義工團」的義工服務時數                        volunteer services and activities were suspended or scaled
                                                        down. Consequently, the Hong Kong Community Volunteers’
               因此未能達到預期水平。不過,我們                         performance target with respect to the hours of service could not
               鼓勵義工參與的「在家行義 同心抗疫」                       reach the expected level. Experimenting with different service
               服務得到熱烈的回應,值得欣慰!「香港                       modes, we encouraged our members to volunteer from home,
               賽馬會社區資助計劃-專才義工網」服務                       and were much consoled by their overwhelming response to our

               隊也嘗試發展新的服務模式,應對疫下                        ‘Volunteer from Home • Fight Against Coronavirus’ Campaign.
               服務對象的需求。「香港義工學院」培訓                       The service teams of the Volunteer Talent Bank project were also
               轉移到線上舉行,並增設「香港義工學                        able to generate new ideas to meet the service needs under the
               院頻道」,推出錄像集及網上影片分享                        pandemic. As for our Hong Kong Institute of Volunteers (IoV), the
                                                        training courses went online with an IoV Channel newly added.
               平台,積極推廣優質義務工作,參加課                        Video series were produced and shared via online platform.
               程的學員數目有增無減,令人喜出望外!                       We were overjoyed to see an increasing number of training
              「西園長者中心」雖未能照常對外開放,                        participants responding positively to our new mode of service.

               服務有所限制,但對於缺乏關懷的長者,                       Our Western Garden Neighbourhood Elderly Centre was closed
               我們透過特別安排,繼續提供服務,務                        to the public, maintaining only limited services. However, for
               求他/她們得到所需的支援和幫助,解決                       those elderly in need of help, we still managed to make special
               遇到的問題。                                   arrangement to provide them with the necessary attention
                                                        and support.

               我相信每一位義工和市民跟本局一樣,                        It is our common wish that the pandemic situation will soon
               深切期望新冠疫情早日受控,解除對                         come under control such that our daily routines could return
               健康的威脅,使到社會、經濟和市民的                        to normal and that Hong Kong’s economic recovery will regain
               生活回復正常!藉此機會,我要感謝各                        momentum. I take this opportunity to thank all of our partners,

               合作夥伴、資助機構、贊助商和善長對                        funding  bodies,  sponsors and  donors for their  long-term
               本局長久以來的支持,也要向各位董事、                       support. I also thank, wholeheartedly,  the unreserved support
               委員、職員和義務職員的齊心合作衷心                        of our members on the Board of Directors and Committees,
                                                        and the dedication of our staff and volunteer staff. Looking
               致謝。迎向未來,面對社會新常態,                         into the future, we strive to ensure that our services will remain
               本局的服務自當不斷創新、更新,發揮                        relevant yet innovative, reaching new heights in the spirit of
               專業精神,精益求精,悉力推動義務                         professionalism. We are determined to further the development
               工作的進一步發展,締造一個更團結、                        of volunteerism, for the creation of a cohesive, harmonious and

               更和諧、更美好的香港!                              better Hong Kong.

               主席                                       Shum Chi Wang
               沈之弘                                      Chairman

                                                                               2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report  3
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