Page 52 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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2020香港義工團                                2020 HKCV Outstanding

        「傑出貢獻獎」                                   Contribution Award

         為嘉許表現傑出的香港義工團會員,                         To recognize the distinguished members of Hong Kong
         本局特設「傑出貢獻獎」,按義工參與                        Community Volunteers (HKCV), AVS set up the Outstanding
         服務的理念、工作成效、服務表現及貢獻                       Contribution Award. Based on their volunteering values,
         等準則進行評選。是屆共有5位義工獲頒                       service outcome, performance and contributions, 5 outstanding
        「傑出貢獻獎」,另有4位獲「優異獎」。                       volunteers were presented the Award and 4 others received
                                                  the Certificate of Merit.

           傑出貢獻獎(成年組)                             Outstanding Contribution Award (Adult Category)

           陳秀雲女士                                  Ms Chan Sau Wan, Wendy
           周鳳珠女士                                  Ms Chau Fung Chu

           鄭玉琴女士                                  Ms Cheng Yuk Kam

           傑出貢獻獎(青年組)                             Outstanding Contribution Award (Youth Category)
           陳浩然先生                                  Mr Chan Ho Yin

           黃嘉琪小姐                                  Miss Wong Ka Ki

           優異獎(成年組)                               Certificate of Merit (Adult Category)
           吳偉雄先生                                  Mr Ng Wai Hung

           王國強先生                                  Mr Wong Kwok Keung
           余泳洋女士                                  Ms Yu Wing Yeung, Janet

           優異獎(青年組)                               Certificate of Merit (Youth Category)
           白天元小姐                                  Miss Bai Tian Yuan

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