

AVS is a member of the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) and the Global Network of Volunteering Leadership  (GNVL).  As you may know, IAVE is an international organization that primarily aims to promote, strengthen and celebrate the development of volunteering worldwide. It holds volunteer conference every year for exchange, networking, and inspiration of volunteerism across countries and cultures.


义务工作发展局成为「赛马会众心行善平台」六大义工配对平台合作伙伴之一。承蒙香港赛马会慈善信託基金策划及捐助,本局同时推出「赛马会众心行善」系列义工服务,鼓励首次接触义工服务的亲子、跨代家庭、在职或公众人士,积极透过多元化的义工服务机会,加入新晋义工行列。由即日起,新手义工参与「赛马会众心行善」系列内的一次义工服务及登记入会,将享有AVS「香港义工团」2年免费会籍优惠 (优惠编号: JCVT-23)。