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2019全體職員會議                              All Staff Meeting 2019

          本局每年召開全體職員會議,加強內部                       The annual All Staff Meeting 2019 was held on 5 May with a view
          溝通,使各級職員及義務職員了解機構                       to  strengthening  internal  communication  and  to  familiarizing
          的發展目標及工作計劃。2019全體職員                     staff and volunteer staff members with the Agency's goals
          會議於5月5日舉行。本局主席沈之弘                       and work plans. AVS Chairman Dr Shum Chi Wang was also
          醫生到場向出席的職員及義務職員給予                       present and joined the lunch gathering to give encouragement
          勉勵,並共晉午餐。                               and support.

                                                              AVS Chairman Dr Shum Chi Wang pictured with staff and
                                                              volunteer staff from different units

       58  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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