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               AVS delegation visited the volunteers serving in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

               聯合國義工– 香港大學生                             UNV — Hong Kong Universities
               義工計劃舊生會                                  Volunteers Alumni Society

               聯合國義工 – 香港大學生義工計劃                        Acting as a knowledge-sharing platform in support of the
               舊生會於2017年12月成立,目的提供                      development of volunteerism, the UNV - Hong Kong Universities
               一個知識共享及聯繫網絡,協助推動                         Volunteers Alumni Society was established in December 2017 to
               義務工作的發展,及推廣聯合國和平                         allow the alumni to build and strengthen connections with each
               發展的價值。年內,舊生會支援第5屆                        other, while working towards the promotion of volunteerism
              「聯合國志願人員組織 — 香港大學生義工                      and the United Nations’ values of peace and development. In the
               實習計劃」的出發前培訓,協助他們於服                       year, the Society supported the pre-departure training for the
               務前作好準備,並於義工在外地服務期間                       5  Round of ‘UNV-Hong Kong Universities Volunteer Internship
                                                        Programme’ volunteers, to get them well prepared for service,
                                                        and to provide psychological support to the volunteers during
                                                        their service overseas.

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  53
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