Page 28 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 28

「同心共建義工林」                                 ‘Together • We Plant’

          綠色行義日                                   Volunteer Greening Day
         「同心共建義工林」綠色行義日是50周年                      ‘Together • We Plant’ Volunteer Greening Day was the first
          首項亮點慶祝活動,除了鼓勵市民支持                       highlight event held to celebrate AVS 50  Anniversary. As a
          環保、愛護地球,亦推動各界參與綠化                       participating organization of the  World Green Organisation’s
          義工服務。活動主要是參與由世界綠色                       Tree Partner Programme which was supported by the Country
          組織主辦的樹林伙伴計劃,並獲漁農                        Parks Plantation Enrichment Programme of Agriculture, Fisheries
          自然護理署推行的郊野公園植林優化                        and Conservation Department, AVS organized 6 tree-planting
                                                  activities in June and July 2020. A total of 300 volunteers
          計劃支持。合共6場的植樹活動於2020年                    gathered in Shing Mun Country Park to plant seedlings of
          6至7月期間舉行,300位來自各個界別的                    various native tree species. The event not only encouraged green
          義工齊集於城門郊野公園,種植本土                        volunteering, it also echoed the 2030 Sustainable Development
          原生品種樹木,讓市民認識本地生態                        Goals advocated by the United Nations in relation to climate
          環境及其價值,並藉此響應聯合國2030                     change and environmental protection.

                                                                                         Dr Lam Ching Choi,
                                                                                         Non-official Member of
                                                                                         Executive Council
                                                                                         (5  from left) officiated at
                                                                                         the Kick-off Ceremony

       24  2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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