Page 32 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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「在家行義 同心抗疫」                               ‘Volunteer from Home • Fight Against

         關懷行動                                     Coronavirus’ Caring Campaign
         本局義工服務中心於2020年7月至11月期                    At the peak of the pandemic when we were advised to minimize
         間推出「在家行義  同心抗疫」關懷行動,                     social contact, AVS  Volunteer Action Centre (VAC) launched
         鼓勵義工善用在家抗疫的時間,透過電                        the ‘Volunteer  from  Home • Fight  Against  Coronavirus’  Caring
         話、短訊或WhatsApp等方式主動慰問、                    Campaign, encouraging volunteers to show love and care
         關心及幫助身邊有需要的人士,特別是                        via  phone  calls  or  instant  messages  to  people  around  them,
         獨居、高齡、體弱長者及長期病患                          especially elderly singletons and chronically ill patients.  The
         人士,發揮守望相助的關愛義工精神。                        first round of activities took place from July to November 2020,
         其後於2021年1月至2月,中心再度推出                     with the second round in January and February 2021 to let
         在家行義關懷活動,鼓勵義工於新春期                        volunteers send their regards through Chinese New  Year
         間製作農曆新年小手作,送贈身邊親友                        handicrafts. Over 700 volunteers joined these popular activities,
         或有需要人士。兩項活動合共逾700位                       touching the lives of 4,400 people.

         抗疫最前線                                    Stand with Medic
         醫護,多謝您                                   With the sponsorship from Amgen Hong Kong Ltd, AVS
                                                  launched the ‘Stand with Medic’ campaign. Surgical masks of
         為感謝醫護人員為全港市民堅守抗疫                         high performance level were donated to 4,500 front-line medics
         前線,本局獲安進香港有限公司資助,                        in Hong Kong to express our gratitude for their dedication
         推出「抗疫最前線 醫護,多謝您」活動,                      in fighting against the coronavirus and protecting our
         為4,500位前線醫護人員送上高規格外                      community.  Volunteer illustrator, be,story and celebrities
         科口罩,並邀請義務插畫家be, story                    including Ms Candy Chea, MH, Mr Alex Fong, Mr Warren Mok,
         以及一眾名人,包括車淑梅女士, MH、                      BBS, MH, Ms Jade Kwan, Mr  Wayne Lai, Mr Bob Lam, Ms
         方力申先生、莫華倫先生, BBS, MH、                    Jacqueline  Pang  and  Mr  Hanjin  Tan  were  invited  to  design
         關心妍女士、黎耀祥先生、林盛斌先生、                       and sign the caring cards as a heartwarming gift to show
         彭晴女士和陳奐仁先生,合力製作心                         our support.

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