Page 31 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 31


               Fight Coronavirus Together—

               Volunteer Service Campaigns

               新型冠狀病毒於2020年席捲全球,香港                      The sudden outbreak  of the Covid-19  pandemic unleashed
               亦不能倖免!疫症在社區迅速傳播,對                        unprecedented challenges to every part of the world including
               市民、各行各業,以致整個社會均帶來                        Hong Kong. Although the health crisis has severely disrupted
               前所未有的衝擊。雖然反覆的疫情影響                        our operations and services, the solidarity and perseverance
               本局的日常運作,很多義工服務也變得                        exhibited by our volunteers have been heartening.  Holding firm
               不穩定,本局與義工們仍然堅守使命,                        the spirit of volunteerism, AVS and our volunteers responded
               除了響應政府的抗疫工作,亦努力籌辦                        swiftly to support the Government's anti-pandemic efforts,
               多項抗疫義工服務,更積極嘗試不同的                        and initiated proactively a variety of resilience-building and
               服務模式,務求在新常態下,繼續為市                        recovery volunteer programmes. Adapting to the new realities,
               民提供適切的支援和服務。以下是本局                        alternative service modes were introduced timely to ensure the
               部份抗疫義工服務,詳細報告請瀏覽本                        delivery of our mission continued. The sections below contain
                                                        the programme highlights. For more details of the activities,
                                                        please visit the AVS web page.

               18區快閃義工服務                                Flash Mob Volunteer Service
               活動由本局香港義工團義工組長隊統籌                        in 18 Districts
               及組織,於2020年4月至5月期間,義工                     Led by AVS Volunteer Leaders Team, more than 40 members from
               組長隊帶領40多位香港義工團會員走訪                       our Hong Kong Community Volunteers (HKCV) carried out flash
               全港18區,進行街頭快閃行動,向不辭                       mob services in April and May 2020 in all 18 districts, distributing
               勞苦、堅守崗位的1,500名清潔工友及保                     protective gears and anti-virus tips to 1,500 frontline cleaning
               安人員送上防疫物資,表達關懷及傳遞                        workers and security guards.

                                                                               2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report  27
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