Page 29 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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              《行義50創未來》書冊                               50  Anniversary Souvenir Book
               書冊紀錄本局過去半世紀的發展里程及                        Titled  “Devoted  to  Volunteering  for 50  Years  –  Creating the
               亮點時刻,並分享「第七屆及第八屆香                        Future”, the book demonstrated AVS’ accomplishments over the
               港傑出義工獎」25個得獎者感動人心的                       past half century and featured the 25 winners of the 7  and 8
               故事,讓各界了解其行義理念、社會                         Hong Kong Volunteer Award, hoping to inspire more creativity in
               貢獻及傑出成果,期望帶來更多啟發和                        volunteering through their touching stories.

               義務工作發展局主題曲                               AVS Theme Song
              《齊心創美夢》                                   “Making our Dreams Together”

               為誌本局金禧,蒙著名男高音歌唱家                         To commemorate the golden jubilee, AVS was honored to have
               莫華倫先生, BBS, MH主唱本局主題曲                    Mr  Warren Mok, BBS, MH, a celebrated tenor, to perform its
              《齊心創美夢》。該歌曲是莫華倫先生                         theme  song  “Making  our  Dreams  Together”  to  inspire  more
               首度灌錄推出的原創廣東歌,由「鋼琴                        citizens to volunteer for building a caring community. As the
               王子」陳雋騫先生作曲、編曲及監製;                        first Cantonese song performed by Mr Mok, it was composed,
               黃浩林先生和陳凱雪女士作詞。歌曲激                        arranged and produced by Mr Phoebus Chan, a famous pianist,
               昂勵志,鼓勵更多市民參與義務工作,                        and authored by Mr Wong Ho Lam and Ms Chan Hoi Suet.

                                                                                Mr Warren Mok recorded the AVS Theme
                                                                                Song “Making our Dreams Together”

                                                                               2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report  25
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